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谁会买辆521马力的面包车?。Who Needs a 521 HP Minivan?

对于我来说,中年危机就是我买了一辆红色的商务车。For me, a mid-life crisis is a red minivan.

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他们将行囊装在杰克的小型巴士上朝北开去。So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north.

他们的小货车兴军用卡车相撞。Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.

你蜷伏在一辆被烧毁的旧车后面。You're crouched behind a burned shell of an old minivan.

当它买了一家小货车公司的时候,资讯科技进入汽车生意。It got into the auto business when it bought a minivan company.

他们都是赫尔曼得省一辆小型货车的乘客。They were all passengers in a minivan travelling in Helmand province.

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一辆小轿车和一辆小型货车被点燃,两车相距大约两公里。A car and a minivan is lit, the two vehicles about two kilometers away.

我们把新生的婴儿放在我们使用了多年的天蓝色的小型卡车里。We put the new baby in the sky-blue minivan we had relied on for years.

她是一个坚定的共和主义者,极度保守,开的是一辆厢式旅行车。She is a staunch Republican, extremely conservative and drives a minivan.

一辆白色小客车行驶在偏僻的小路上,努力躲避着警方的检查站。The white minivan stole along back roads, careful to avoid police checkpoints.

如果让你想出一个有关汽车的前后矛盾的修辞,你的脑海中可能会出现“性感的微面”。If you had to think of an automotive oxymoron, "sexy minivan" would come to mind.

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索科托市的一家卫生所设置在一辆丰田小型货车内,车内堆放着健怡可乐。Arriving at a Sokoto health clinic in a Toyota minivan stocked with Diet Coke, Mr.

这是一个面包车,这是第一在自己的品牌,不要有一个聚合物方面的镶板。It is a minivan that is the first in its brand not to have a polymer side paneling.

媒体有时候会把这类女性描述为忙碌或不堪重负,并且时常开一辆小型货车。She is sometimes portrayed in the media as busy or overburdened and driving a minivan.

去年夏天,我们在火星成功着陆一艘核动力科学探测仪更让人印象深刻。It was more impressive when we landed a nuclear powered science minivan on Mars last summer.

现在她只要把原料扔进去,孩子们就可以在她们家的小型货车上吃完自己的早餐了。Now she just throws a batch into a bag and lets everyone have their morning meal in her minivan.

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由红磡火车站乘坐6A或6号小巴,第2个站就是好兆年行。From Hung Hom take minivan 6A or 6. After HungHom railway station, 2nd stop is Austin Tower already.

当一辆装有加利福利亚板材的棕色的小型货车在Gonzales旁鸣笛时,他正在咳嗽。Gonzales was coughing ash when a brown minivan with California plates screeched to a stop next to him.

如今的投资银行业更像是打造更好的小面包车──可靠、实用、适应力强。Investment banking today is more about building a better minivan -- reliable, practical and adaptable.