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该名男子有强大和鹰鼻子。The man has a strong and aquiline nose.

他拥有鹰钩鼻和深邃的棕色眼睛。He had a aquiline nose and deep-set brown eyes.

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我有一双大眼睛,一个高挺的鼻子和一张大嘴巴。I have big eyes, an aquiline nose and a big mouth.

老战士侧面像的特征是一个坚硬的下巴和一个鹰钩鼻。The profile of the old warrior was characterized by a strong jaw and an aquiline nose.

我是一个非常帅,非常聪明的男孩。我有一双大眼睛,一个高挺的鼻子和一张大嘴巴。I am a very handsome, very intelligent boy. I have big eyes, an aquiline nose and a big mouth.

米尔曼出生于巴西,身材瘦削,有着暖黄色的皮肤和翘起的鼻子。Milman is a lean, athletic woman, originally from Brazil, with warm caramel skin and an aquiline nose.

一个矮个男子开了门,浓密的白发衬托得他形同一只秃鹫,他那捉摸不透的目光鹰隼似地审视着我。A smallish man with vulturine features framed by thick grey hair opened the door. His impenetrable aquiline gaze rested on mine.

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贝文不但有着和凯特一样的褐色长发、高挺的鼻子,甚至连下巴也完全一样,简直就是一个模子里刻出来的一样。And Kate Bevin not only have the same brown hair, aquiline nose, chin and even the same, is simply a mold carved out of the same.

汉斯莱脸上似乎始终挂着轻蔑的表情,他的下巴、薄嘴唇和鹰钩鼻都有些扭曲,仿佛是为了更好地配合他恒久不变的扑克脸。The shape of his jaw, his thin lips, and aquiline nose were all slightly twisted, as if to better accommodate the man's perpetual scowl.

我是一个非常帅,非常聪明的男孩。我有一双大眼睛,一个高挺的鼻子和一张大嘴巴。我的爱好是踢足球和跑步。I am a very handsome, very intelligent boy. I have big eyes, an aquiline nose and a big mouth. My hobbies are playing football and running.

他生就一只端正的鹰钩鼻,两片扁扁的薄嘴唇,四肢匀称,风度翩翩,众人立刻觉得此人非寻常之辈。His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon.