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芽胞很难被常用的消毒方法杀灭。Spores are difficult to decontaminate with standard disinfectants.

还能净化水中的污染物减缓洪水的冲击等等。It also helps decontaminate water resources and reduce the impact of floods.

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工作台应每日除污。若有污染发生应立即除污。Decontaminate all work surfaces daily, and decontaminate all spills immediately.

政府开始敦促伊达市民消除房屋和田地的污染。The government is urging Date's citizens to decontaminate their houses and fields.

他还说,如果这个地区含有辐射,政府就应该在这个地区去除核污染。If the area is radioactive, then the government, he adds, should decontaminate the area.

目前工作人员已对发现因禽流感死鸡的饲养场及周围家禽进行了扑杀和掩埋。The first bird flu outbreak prompted officials to decontaminate aviaries and poultry farms in the capital.

充分利用了纳米光催化技术和活性炭纤维的优点,达到了净化空气的目的。Fully utilized the merits of nanometer photocatalysis technology and the activated carbon fiber decontaminate air.

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当局应该认识到这一点,并尝试进行除污喜欢这个地方,只是为了避免不必要的风险。The authorities should be aware of this, and try to decontaminate places like this, just to avoid unnecessary risk.

在此次模拟演习中,以水取代化学物质为扮演幸存者的人们净化。During this mock exercise, water is used instead of chemicals to decontaminate people who play the role of survivors.

清污行动任然不能消除居民的疑虑,尤其是那些年轻的,犹豫着是否返回。Efforts to decontaminate have not eliminated uncertainty for residents, especially young families, weighing a return.

因此,迫切需要消除Bagega和其他村庄存在的污染情况,并且提供螯合物和其它方面的治疗。There is therefore an urgent need to decontaminate Bagega and the other villages and to provide chelation and other therapy.

在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖径流中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。Constructed wetlands in the riparian zone can decontaminate certain organic pollutants and nutrients in surface runoff effectively.

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发展中国家有越来越多的家庭正在联合使用沙子和生物有机物净化饮用水。Inside a growing number of homes in the developing world, sand and biological organisms are collaborating to decontaminate drinking water.

能源作物大多可种植在不适合农耕的土地上,其中某些植物,例如轮作周期相当短的柳树,在生长时还可净化被废水或重金属污染的土壤。Some, such as the short-rotation willow coppice, will decontaminate soil that has been polluted with wastewater or heavy metals as it grows.

铁匠研究所和TerraGraphics正与扎姆法拉州当局合作,消除Dareta和Yargalma村庄的污染状况。The Blacksmith Institute and TerraGraphics are working with the Zamfara State authorities to decontaminate the villages of Dareta and Yargalma.

团队的早期研究也显示了毛发更适用于分子遗传学分析因为它比骨骼容易去污得多。The team's earlier study also showed that hair is superior for use in molecular-genetic analysis because it is much easier than bone to decontaminate.

从那时起工作人员们一直致力于核电站的工作,但官员们表示采取需要40年以上才能完全清理并净化这片区域。Crews have been working on the plant ever since, but officials say it can take as much as 40 years to completely clean up the area and decontaminate it.

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东京想让当地政府,比如南相马市清除公共场所的污染,重新开放学校,建立一个能够提供工作和安全保障的地区。Tokyo wants local governments such as the one in Minamisoma to decontaminate public areas, reopen schools and re-create a region that offers jobs and security.

并对今后利用纳米光催化技术与活性炭纤维相结合用于净化空气的发展方向进行了展望。The developing directions of combining nanometer photocatalysis technological with activated carbon fiber together to decontaminate air are looking into expectation.

他认为新型聚合物还可以用来清除废弃核电站里的污染。这些地方的管道内残余的放射性钴还仍然是一个问题。He thinks that the new polymer could also be used to decontaminate decommissioned nuclear power-stations where residual radioactive cobalt in pipes remains a problem.