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向前直走。Go straight.

地平线是否平直?Is it straight?

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直底边。Straight hemline.

你能直走吗?Can you go straight?

我要直走吗?Should I go straight?

直尖帽脚趾。Straight tip cap toe.

一直往东走。Straight to the east.

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直车刀架。Straight tool holder.

我的帽子戴得正吗?。Is my hat on straight?

站立或行走时要直。Stand and walk straight.

现在事情上轨道了。Things are straight now.

旗竿笔直地竖着。Put the pole up straight.

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这条路不直。This road isn't straight.

不过说回异性恋的片子。But back to straight porn.

别板着脸吓唬我。Dont keep a straight face.

微微眼睛都看直了。Eyes are looking straight.

沿着这条路直走。Go straight along the way.

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他的帽子没戴正。His hat isn't on straight.

我就不跟你绕弯子了。Let me be straight with u.

没有一条边是直的。None of them are straight.