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示威者推翻了一辆警车。The demonstrator turned over a police car.

一名示威者显然是由于受伤而死亡。One demonstrator died, apparently from his injuries.

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BX-1是否也是卫星监测器的一个实验?Was the BX-1 a technology demonstrator for satellite inspection?

2007年,一名示威者死亡,2008年一名警察被杀。In 2007, a demonstrator died, and a policeman was killed in 2008.

上图中,一位受伤的示威者躺在时代广场的地上。Above, a wounded demonstrator lies on the ground in Tahrir Square.

另一方面,鲁丹则把他现有的系统当做单纯的飞行展示。Rutan meanwhile conceives of his current system as a pure flight demonstrator.

英国伦敦国会广场前抗议的反核示威者。An anti-nuclear demonstrator protest in Parliament Square in London March 14, 2007.

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大森说,他的演示肯戈在核电厂安全的信心发生了变化。Demonstrator Kengo Ohmori said his faith in the safety of nuclear power has changed.

演示员将根据项目组长提供的信息准备一份项目清单。Demonstrator should prepare a checklist on the information provided from the Project leader.

上图中,2月16日,一名示威者高举标语,称自由需付出血的代价。Above, a demonstrator on Feb. 16 holds aloft a sign that says freedom comes at a bloody price.

在提帕萨省,一名示威者在与安全部队的冲突中受伤后不治身亡。In the Ti Pasa province, a demonstrator in clashes with security forces died after the injury.

这架飞机既可能是技术验证机,也可能是量产型号的原型机。The aircraft may be a technology demonstrator or a prototype for a mass production fighter aircraft.

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一名示威者控诉伊拉克政府“没有尽力保护人民”。One demonstrator complained that the Iraqi government was "not doing enough to protect its citizens."

他说,有一名示威者因拒绝停止拍摄捕人画面而被捕。He said another demonstrator was arrested because she refused to stop taking photographs of the arrests.

“人们仍在谈论崇明岛,将其作为中国生态岛的例证,”黑德说道。“People are still talking about Chongming Island as a demonstrator eco-island for China,” said Mr. Head.

“人们仍在谈论崇明岛,将其作为中国生态岛的例证,”黑德说道。"People are still talking about Chongming Island as a demonstrator eco-island for China, " said Mr. Head.

“人们仍在谈论崇明岛,将其作为中国生态岛的例证,”黑德说道。“People are still talking about Chongming Island as a demonstrator eco-island for China, ” said Mr. Head.

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为了更好的演示几何关学实验的,GY—II激光光学演示仪被研制出来了。For a better presentation of the Commissioner of the geometry, GY-II laser optical Demonstrator has been developed.

在莫斯科,一位抗议者抽著菸,准备参加未经批准的「全球大麻游行」。A demonstrator smokes a cigarette as he gets ready for a non-authorised 'Global Marijuana March' in Moscow, May 7, 2006.

“我们不会停止示威直到的黎波里重新成为首都”,一位叫做奥马尔·莫萨的示威者说,“利比亚人都在联合起来。"We will not stop this rally until Tripoli is the capital again," said Omar Moussa, a demonstrator. "Libyans are all united.