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这个国家的煤储藏量在不久的将来就会用尽。The amount of coal of this country will be exhaustible within not a long time.

人们应该清楚地认识到水资源是有限的,而且是会枯竭的。People on earth should be fully aware that water resource is limited and exhaustible.

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我们必须尽一切可能,采取措施防止资源浪费。We must try every means we can to take precautions against wasting the exhaustible resources.

你的意志力是会枯竭的,所以如果没有必要,不要强迫自己完成任务。Your willpower is an exhaustible supply, so don't force yourself to finish tasks if you don't have to.

可耗竭资源型企业跨区转移区位选择行为既是一个新兴现实问题,又是一个理论前沿问题。Inter-regional location shifting action of exhaustible resource enterprises is both a realistic and a frontier theoretical issue.

中华民族的凝聚力,是促进中国过去、现在和未来发展的水不枯竭的精神资源。Chinese nation's cohesive force, is the never exhaustible energetic resources which promotes China's development in the past, present and future.

不可再生资源的过度消耗和枯竭导致人类的危机感,可持续发展成为人们的共识。The depletion and scarcity of exhaustible resources made the human sense of crisis, so the sustainable development became the common human sense.

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耗竭性资源地区产业结构调整是目前我国战略性结构调整中的一个重要问题。Adjusting the structure of industries in exhaustible -resource-area is an important in the present procedure of Chinese strategic adjustment of structure.

马克思详尽地研究过莎士比亚,无限爱慕莎士比亚,熟悉莎士比亚戏剧中即使是最微不足道的人物。He made an exhaustible study of Shakespeare, for whom he had an unbounded admiration, and whose most insignificant characters, even, were familiar to him.

我们以前是西方国家的原材料来源,现在是中国和印度的原材料来源,但是我们从不可再生资源当中只获得了最微薄的利润。We are the source of raw materials, now to India and China as well as the Western world, yet we generate the least profits from these exhaustible resources.

中国传统造型艺术具有深厚的文化底蕴和广阔的再创造空间,是设计师取之不尽的创意源泉。China's traditional Modeling art has a profound cultural background and vast space for re-creation, both of which are the exhaustible innovative sources for designers.

因此,应当完善我国能矿资源价格构成机制,妥善处理改革中的各种关系,推进我国能矿资源价格市场化改革。Measures which can deepen the price reform of exhaustible energy resource in China should be taken to improve mineral price structure and to handle all kinds of relations.

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本文基于贸易的视角,从理论和实证两方面分析了汇率变动、可耗竭资源与经济发展之间的关系。From view of foreign trade, this paper analyzes the relationship among exchange rate change, exhaustible resource and economic development by theoretic and empirical methods.

煤炭资源是一种可耗竭性资源,如何确定其合理的开采规模,实现可持续开发和利用已经引起政府和学术界的广泛关注。For the coal is an exhaustible resource, Determination of its rational mining scale, its sustainable exploitation and utilization have caught extensive attentions of governments and theorists.