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那是月亮的白子小孩。A moon 's albino child.

我母亲是半个白化病人。My mother is part albino.

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比我这个白化病人还要白。Paler than me, the albino.

一个白化形式的红醋栗。An albino forms of the red currant.

印度德里动物园的一只白化病病虎。An albino tiger in the India's Delhi Zoo.

现在,患白化病动物似乎无处不在。Albino animals seem to be everywhere these days.

一条缅甸蚺蟒白子在吉隆坡展出。An albino Burmese python on display in Kuala Lumpur.

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澳大利亚堪培拉的白化病袋鼠母子。Mother and child albino kangaroos in Canberra, Australia.

最终他诱使一个白化病者帮他寻找黄金。Eventually he abducts an albino to help him find the gold.

只有白化螃蟹和龙虾不会变色。Only the albino crab and lobster do not turn red when cooked.

驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱着她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱著她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

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平头的白化病者可以成为总承包商。Mike the albino with the crewcut can be the general contractor.

身为白化病动物也不容易,这只白化病猩猩腋窝部分的污渍藏都藏不住。It's not easy being albino. That armpit stain's never coming out.

在肯特多佛城堡附近的树林,看到这只白化喜鹊。An albino magpie which was seen in woods near Dover Castle in Kent

身为白化病动物也不容易,这只白化病猩猩腋窝部分的污渍藏都藏不住。It's not easy being albino . That armpit stain's never coming out.

目的建立FMMU白化豚鼠类鼻疽动物模型。Objective To establish melioidosis model of FMMU albino guinea pig.

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最后我和患白化症的男人同居。他为港务局的人清洗车窗。I ended up living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields.

一种“白化变种”蜘蛛的出现着实震惊了澳大利亚的科学家。Along came an "albino" spider—and it's shocked scientists in Australia.

在这些水域的鲟鱼游泳物种的一个特别是白化。One particular species of sturgeon swimming in these waters is the albino.