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我们用十进位制。We use the decimal system.

你漏看了一个小数点。You missed a decimal point read.

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小数点显然放错位置了。Obviously a misplaced decimal point.

假设我们有10进制数。Well, suppose we had decimal numbers.

中国的人民币采用的是十进币制。China's Renminbi has a decimal system.

十进制以十为进位的数字系统。Of or relating to the decimal number system.

小数0.63的末位数是循环的。The last figure of the decimal 0.63 repeats.

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将十进位值舍入为指定的小数位数。Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integer.

我说给你们3个10进制数。And I said I'm giving you three decimal digits.

将十进位的值舍入至指定的精确度。Rounds a decimal value to a specified precision.

二进制数11001转换成十进制数是25。Binary number 11001 convert decimal number is 25.

多个小数分隔符会导致截断。Multiple decimal separators result in truncation.

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测验中只有十进位的数学题。There were only decimal math problem on the quiz.

有人移动十进制的小数点!Someday changed the position of the decimal point!

维基百科vs国际十进分类法Wikipedia vs. the Universal Decimal Classification

允许您定制十进制格式的模式。Allows you to customize the decimal format pattern.

等级指示所有小数位的个数。The scale gives the total number of decimal places.

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如何更改打印结果小数部分的有效位数?How to modify the decimal when printing the results?

怪圈中心近处的那个小圆圈,就是小数点。The little dot near the centre is the decimal point.

将小数值舍入至最接近的整数值。Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integral value.