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那么该如何体制化这一观念呢?How to formalize this idea?

你们可以很容易地形式化了,好。You can formalize very easily. Okay.

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文中还运用巴科斯范式对主机防火墙的网络访问控制规则进行了形式化描述。The BNF is used to formalize the network access control rules.

假设希望把前面提到的两个策略示例形式化。Suppose you want to formalize the two policies I mentioned as examples.

这些连接器将服务架构中的使用依赖形式化了。These connectors formalize the use dependency in the services architecture.

WTO将在1月19日的一次会议上正式成立调查中国输美轮胎案的专家委员会。In the tires case, the WTO will formalize the panel at a meeting on Jan. 19.

我们的任务是对IT架构的专业化进行发展、规范和授权。Our mission is to develop, formalize and empower the profession of IT architecture.

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这次会议还试图明文规定现有的有关削减温室气体排放量的目标。The meeting will also seek to formalize existing targets to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

中国驻巴哈马国大使胡定贤将于8月18日与英格拉哈姆会晤,正式签署协议。Chinese Ambassador Dingxian Hu is to meet with Ingraham on Aug. 18 to formalize the agreement.

引入进化超图网络对全生命周期中产品过程信息进行形式化表达。Evolution hypergraph net was introduced to formalize product process information for life cycle.

他们希望能建立正式的业务关系,特由本协议制定以下条款。They desire to formalize their business relationship, this agreement shall set forth the term as such.

据萨科奇夫妇的律师介绍,萨科奇与塞西莉亚已在法官的见证下办理完离婚手续,并就财产分割问题达成了协议。The couple's lawyer said they had already seen a judge to formalize the split and agreed financial terms.

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这篇文章仅仅是对RUP团队所追求的对方法开发过程形式化的一个初步尝试。This article is only a first attempt to formalize the method development process that the RUP team follows.

正在审议的提案准备将未经审判的关塔那摩在押人员无限期拘留的做法正规化。The proposal being reviewed would formalize indefinite detention without trial for some Guantanamo detainees.

然而,在一个物理上独立的硬件上执行集成流程更利于流程的规范。However, having the integration process executed on physically separate hardware helps to formalize the process.

此外,要开发高安全性的软件,对安全关键软件的规格说明进行形式化的描述,也是十分必要的。What's more, in order to develop high-safety software, it is also very necessary to formalize specification of SCS.

天秤也是代表法律的一个标志,因而,当天秤座想要固化一段爱的关系,他们会想要将其合法化。Libra is also the sign ruling law, and when a Libran wants to formalize a love relationship, they want it to be legal.

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国家宪法不具有命令性,但几乎所有的国家都从中找到其可供制定政府框架的有用之处。A constitution is by no means mandatory, but almost all countries find it a useful way to formalize rules of government.

每个好女孩都喜欢一个水手,事实上,如果你能使事情正式化,你会找到很简单的方法。And every nice girl likes a sailor. Actually if you were able to formalize things you would find it very easy to do this.

开始你的个人发现之旅吧,在纸上写出一个你要如何改变的详细行动计划。Start to formalize your personal-discovery process by writing an action plan that details how you are going to make a change.