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他在跟你开玩笑呢。He's sporting with you.

就像体育比赛,Like a sporting contest,

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湖面上鸭群在嬉戏。Ducks are sporting on the lake.

另外,如同体育赛事,In addition, like sporting events,

窜入记忆里的还有数不清的体育赛事。There are countless sporting events.

她是一名体育节目的制片人。She is a producer of sporting events.

这张报纸有体育运动的特色。This newspaper has a sporting flavor.

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这张报纸有体育运动的特色。This newspaper has a sporting flavour.

买一个计步器一家体育用品商店。Buy a pedometer at a sporting goods store.

你懂得运动用品吗?Do you know anything about sporting goods?

雅典有引以自豪的现代化体育设施。Athens can boast very modern sporting facilities.

在体育界,一切都与排名有关。In the sporting world, everything is about rankings.

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从来没有军官佩挂一排奖章炫耀自己。No officer ever went around sporting a row of medals.

猎狗应该养在户外的狗窝中。Sporting dogs should be kept out of doors in a kennel.

马洛塔是意大利最出色的体育经理之一。Marotta is one of the best sporting directors in Italy.

儿童户外活动设施,带你的孩子来玩吧!Outdoor sporting for children, bring your kids to play!

在节礼日也会有很多体育赛事。There will also be a lot of sporting events on Boxing Day.

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我在市区第三十七街开了一家运动用品店。I'm keeping a sporting goods store on 37th Street and Main.

看墙上那只小猫,在玩弄戏耍那些落叶飘飘。See the kitten on the wall, sporting with the leaves that fall.

我正在运动商店寻找一种有弹性的钓鱼竿。I was looking for a flexible fishing pole at the sporting store.