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储气罐自身也可能泄漏或者在运输和放置的时候操作失误。The gas tanks themselves might leak or be mishandled during transport and disposal.

我们失去了一大笔订单,因为公司董事们把谈判搞糟了。We lost an important order because the company directors mishandled the negotiations.

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首先,关键是理解感受--他们怎样工作和被处理或被错误处理。First, it is crucial to understand feelings -how they work and are handled or mishandled.

也有人认为他对震撼罗马天主教会的性丑闻处理不当。Critics say he mishandled the sex-abuse scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

而俄国媒体报道,合作的黑客感觉是丹尼尔自己搞臭了与阿桑奇的关系。In fact, say German media reports, the hackers felt he had mishandled relations with Mr Assange.

这些问题表现为客户关系和内部操作的处理不当。These problems manifest themselves as mishandled customer relationships and internal operations.

安德烈。德拉赞抵达了沙漠中的围地,对盖恩斯处理这个行动的方法感到不满。Andre Drazen arrives at the desert compound, unhappy with how Gaines has mishandled the operation.

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九月份,USOC向运动员发去道歉信,承认在处理过程中有失公平。In September, the USOC sent a letter to the athletes, acknowledging it had mishandled the situation.

由于从一开始就对它处理得不太恰当,对民兵队领袖托马斯•卢邦加的案件审判看起来有点摇摆不定。The case against Thomas Lubanga, a Congolese militia commander, which was mishandled from the start, looks wobbly.

如果你感觉自己犯了错误,应该尽量放轻松一些并在不自责的情况下重新再来。If you feel you have done something wrong or have mishandled a situation, relax and start all over again without self-recrimination.

他的两名子女将自己的兄弟德克斯特告上法庭,指控他胡乱操作父母遗产基金的款项,并拒绝出示有关文件。The lawsuit claims that Dexter King, the estate's administrator, has mishandled funds and refused to provide his 2 siblings with documents.

其中一名代表受到了粗鲁待遇,被人拽着双腿拖下楼梯,人们发现另一个代表躺在大街上的一滩血泊中。One of the deputies was badly mishandled and dragged down the stairs by his feet, while the other was found lying in the street in a pool of blood.

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国泰航空一直不错,但这次延误他们完全没有处理好,我要写封投诉信给他们。I must say Cathay Pacific is usually a good airline but they completely mishandled this delay situation. I'm going to have to write them a complaint letter.

但是作为一个不断变化的信息企业的主管,我也看到如果处理不当,一连串新闻和反应会多么消弱一个企业。But as chief executive of a dynamic information business, I also see how debilitating the stream of news and reaction can be for an organisation if mishandled.

北京市长因SARS病历在首都成十倍的增长以及他对这种致命传染病发作的错误指示被撤职。The mayor of Beijing was fired following the disclosure of a tenfold increase in SARS cases in China's capital and charges he mishandled the outbreak of the deadly illness.

8月1日,一家线上租房网,Airbnb,承认他们在对待一位房东抱怨时处理的不够妥当——这位房东出租的房屋遭来自Airbnb的租客洗劫。ON AUGUST 1st Airbnb, an online marketplace that helps people rent rooms, admitted that it had mishandled a complaint from someone whose apartment was ransacked by one of its renters.

他还说,希望辛辛那提联邦法院对里奇无罪释放,把里奇监禁了这么长的时间。Mr Parsigian said he hoped the State of Ohio would decide not to retry Mr Richey, given the amount of time he has spent in jail and the court"s conclusion that evidence was mishandled."

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丰田还没有完全从突然加速事故和质量调查的阴影中走出来。And Toyota has yet to recover from investigations into a sudden-acceleration and quality scandal, which was so mishandled by executives it is destined to become fodder for management text books.

美国司法部监察长谴责FBI对秘密调查经费管理不善,从而导致该机构经常发生盗用公款和乱开发票的事件。The Justice Departments inspector general faulted the FBI for poor handling of money used in undercover investigations, which it said made the agency vulnerable to theft and mishandled invoices.

蒙大拿州州长雷西科获得小布什竞选阵营征召,率领共和党展开攻击,指控计票人员因体力透支或支持戈尔而使得选票有掉落或归档错误及草率处理的情形发生。Montana Governor Marc Racicot, enlisted by the Bush campaign to lead the Republican Party assault, alleged that ballots had been dropped, misfiled and mishandled by exhausted or pro-Gore officials.