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这些试剂带有不同颜色的荧光色。These chemicals fluoresce with different colours.

当DNA经过光束时标记物发出荧光。When the DNA pass over the beam, the labels fluoresce.

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彗星气态彗发里的分子被阳光激发而发光。The molecules of the comet's gaseous coma fluoresce in sunlight.

科学家在小白鼠脑子里标记了阿里新细胞,使它们荧光可见。Scientists marked orexin cells in mice brains so they would fluoresce.

在一定条件下,这些抗体被变成能发出荧光。The antibodies have been altered to fluoresce under certain conditions.

萤幕上的涂膜就依著电子的投射位置,产生萤光,发出光线。The screen coating is caused to fluoresce wherever the electrons strike it, giving off light.

剩余的时间,能量则通过其他一系列散发荧光的能量状态进行转移。The rest of the time, energy is dissipated through a set of energy states that do fluoresce in the lab.

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DNA切断后,两段分开,染料分子就不受阻碍地发光了。After the strand is cut, its two pieces move apart and the marker dye molecule can fluoresce unhindered.

作为电离辐射可引起化学反应,并导致许多物质发光或荧光。As an ionizing radiation it can cause chemical reactions, and causes many substances to glow or fluoresce.

本文的创新点在于利用磁性荧光纳米粒子复合物分离神经细胞和蛋白质。The innovation of this paper is using magnetic fluoresce nano-particle complex to separate neuron cell and protein.

可以用各种波长组合的可选光源和滤光片使精斑和其他生物斑点发出荧光。Semen and other biological stains can be made to fluoresce using the ALS with various combinations of wavelengths and filters.

此外,本发明还公开了可发出与样本中存在的病毒量成比例的荧光的探针分子。Additionally, the invention discloses probe molecules that can fluoresce proportionally to the amount of virus present in a sample.

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他证明了它可以被表达,这是1994年science文章里的一张图,在这大肠杆菌里,它有绿色的萤光。And what he could show was that it could be expressed, this is a picture from his 1994 science paper, in that e coli, and it is going to fluoresce green.

这样做的一种方法是使用量子点——纳米尺度的半导体,可用于发现疾病的生物传感器,可以让它发出荧光。One way of doing this is by using quantum dots — nanosized semiconductors that can be used as biosensors to find disease and which can be made to fluoresce.

科学家们在小白鼠大脑中标记出促食素细胞,使它们发光。然后在喂食小白鼠不同食物后,追踪这些细胞的活动。Scientists marked orexin cells in mice brains so they would fluoresce. Then they tracked the cells' activity after feeding the mice different kinds of food.

过去的研究发现,构成珊瑚礁的碳酸钙质珊瑚外骨骼在紫外线的照射下会发出荧光,这表明这些外骨骼吸收紫外线。Past studies have found that the calcium carbonate exoskeletons of corals that make up reefs fluoresce under ultraviolet light, suggesting that they absorb UV rays.

里夫及同事指出,蝎子、蜘蛛和其他动物受到紫外线照射的时候也发出荧光,这表明这种防晒效应进化了不止一次。Scorpions, spiders, and other creatures also fluoresce when exposed to UV light, Reef and colleagues note, suggesting that the sunscreen effect has evolved more than once.

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去年,整个细菌工程队研究人员定期用荧光一致染色,我们期待这能有更多关于探讨细胞集合行为的论文。Last year, researchers engineered an entire colony of bacteria to periodically fluoresce in unison, and we can expect many more papers exploring the behaviour of collections of cells.