Use 'elastic' in a sentence
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蠕变与弹性损失。Creep and elastic losses.
在下摆的弹性拉绳。Elastic drawstring at hem.
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橡胶是一种弹性材料。Rubber is an elastic material.
这些规定是有弹性的。These regulations are elastic.
你的皮肤会富满弹性。Your skin should feel elastic.
材料兼具有弹性和粘性。PEM are elastic and viscid material.
脚垫发育喧赫且很是有弹性。Pads well developed and very elastic.
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这种手套在手腕处有松紧带。The gloves have elastic at the wrist.
这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。The slacks have an elastic waistband.
橡筋领配有撞色肩搭带。Elastic neckline with shoulder straps.
弹性手腕的钩环闭合。Elastic wrist with hook-and-loop closure.
弹力高腰配有蝴蝶结作点缀。Empire elastic waist, trimmed with a bow.
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磋商是个含糊的带弹性的词。Consultation is a vagues and elastic term.
带循环和绑腿抓手弹性。Belt loops and gaiter with gripper elastic.
但在世界各地,民主是有弹性的。But around the world, democracy is elastic.
本文首先讨论了2.5维波动方程。At first, 2.5D elastic equation is discussed.
黏弹性介质具有弹性和黏性。The viscoelastic medium is elastic and viscous.
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超强减震弹性底脚。Super strong shock absorbing and elastic anchor.
这个工件不比那个工件更有弹性。This workpiece is no more elastic than that one.
并且是可变形的,但是有弹性的。And this membrane is deformable, but it's elastic.