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奥巴马说,希拉里.克林顿会刺激共和党人。Obama said Hillary Clinton will galvanize Republicans.

常用的方法是先把钢板焊起来再镀锌。It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it.

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所以常用的方法是先把钢板焊起来再镀锌。It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it.

底压和线夹为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。The body and keepers are aluminium, the other parts are hot-hip galvanize steel.

灾害应该会刺激到政府并且把民众团结到基础设施重建中。It may galvanize the government and unify the people in rebuilding infrastructure.

我们怎样才能激励学生对他们的作业负起责任来呢?How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their own work?

在一个民主国家,我们激发公众的支持,编写并通过一项法律,禁止乱抛垃圾。In a democracy, we galvanize public support, write and pass a law to prohibit littering.

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这对你是十分有益的,这也会让你明白自己的问题在哪儿并指引你解决它们。It can be very salutary and indicate to you where your troubles lie are and galvanize you to mend them.

我希望她的召唤将激励全球各地的领导人加速努力,终止艾滋病疫情。I hope that her call will galvanize leadership from around the globe to accelerate efforts to end the AIDS epidemic.

这种前景是否足以激发美国严肃对待它长期的经济问题?Will that prospect be enough to galvanize a serious response to the long-term economic problems in the United States?

美国过去一直在利用这种紧张气氛来刺激其他的东亚国家加入她在西太平洋的布局中来对抗中国。The U. S. has, over the past year, exploited this tension to galvanize the rest of East Asia against China and under U.

社会企业家精神扮演了,社会改变机构的主要部分,你怎样激发社会的改变?Social entrepreneurships play the role of change agents so that key part of social change agents How do you galvanize social change?

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克里说,“我们要创造必要的动力,最终唤起全球的响应,否则我们可能面临全球性灾难。”"Either we will create the necessary momentum to finally galvanize a global response, or else we risk a global catastrophe, " he said.

“你总是希望那会激起一些卫生保健教授更多的意识,”没有参与到此次研究的DeLamater说。"You always hope that will galvanize some health-care professionals to be more aware, " said DeLamater, who was not involved with the study.

尽管如此从中期来看影响可以是纯正面的。灾害应该会刺激到政府并且把民众团结到基础设施重建中。However, in the intermediate term it may be a net positive. It may galvanize the government and unify the people in rebuilding infrastructure.

有关腐败、管理不善和环境恶化的报导在国际社会引发了反对水电的声浪。Reports of corruption and mismanagement and worsening environmental fallout there helped galvanize the international movement against hydropower.

一些环保主义者希望通过这些小说能促使人们行动起来,正如一些其它书籍能够引发社会和政治运动那样。Some environmentalists have hoped that fiction could galvanize action on climate the way other books have spurred social and political movements.

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一些人认为,驱逐行为对这次运动构成一种新的刺激──本来由于这些人忙于经营公园里的小社会,抗议运动已经陷入了停滞状态。Some thought the eviction would galvanize their movement, which had become increasingly bogged down in running the miniature society created in the park.

与以往不同,这类交易者现在有了多种选择,因为世界各国的央行为刺激经济都在下调利率。And unlike in the past, carry traders now have options, as central banks worldwide have hammered down rates in a concerted effort to galvanize the economy.

同时,他们也去酒吧、餐厅和夜总会警告青年酒后驾驶和超速的危险,并激发公众的支持。They also visit bars, restaurants and nightclubs to alert young people to the dangers of drink driving and speeding and to galvanize support from the public.