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喀纳斯湖最明显的一个神秘特征。Kanas Lake's most salient features.

再举几个明显的例子。I'll offer a few of salient examples.

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这里的显著特征是气味。The salient feature in this case is odour.

下面是从报告中的一些显着的统计。Here are some salient stats from the report.

种群VI表现最突出,共有4条特有谱带。VI is salient which has 4 unique allozyme bands.

风景优美才是它的特色。Its most salient feature is its beautiful scenery.

那你知道,这天目山有什么特点吗?Do you know the salient features of the Tianmu Mountain?

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错失的机会,深刻回忆和通俗小说Missed Opportunities, Salient Memories, and Popular Stories

“水少沙多”是黄河的突出特点。Water less sand and more" salient features of the Yellow River."

我现在马上要为您揭晓喀纳斯湖最明显的一个神秘特征。Now I'm going to tell you one of Kanas Lake's most salient features.

新时期最鲜明的特点是改革开放。The most salient feature of the new period is reform and opening up.

没有什么经验比一个人的家庭史更显著的了。There is no observation more salient than a person's family history.

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陈家庄凸起位于沾化凹陷和东营凹陷之间。The Chenjiazhuang salient is located between Zhanhua sag and Dongying sag.

在所有令人不快的对比中,同日本的比较是重点。Of all the unflattering comparisons, the one with Japan is the most salient.

“现在经济对于人们的影响已经超过恐怖主义,“Richman说。”"The economy is far more salient to people now than terrorism, " Richman said.

然后建立了电励磁双凸极发电机的一般数学模型。Thirdly, build the mathematic model of Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Generator.

随后的战争中,士兵们大部分时间只能呆在最危险的突出阵地里。The soldiers had to remain in a deathtrap salient for most of the rest of the war.

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亚非最突出的特点也许是她生动的笑容和迷人的身体语言。Perhaps her most salient traits were her bright smile, and her charming body language.

其中分别考虑了凸极和隐极,不饱和和饱和情况。Salient -pole and non-salient pole, unsaturatedand saturated situations are considered.

第三世界的突出特点便是希望拥有政治和经济影响力。The salient feature of the third world was that it wanted economic and political clout.