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我将和他商议这件事。I'll confer with him on the subject.

为什么吖?权力并不会带来善行。Why? Power doesn't confer beneficence.

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我必须先同我的律师商量一下才能做出决定。I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.

这项发明将有助于所有的残疾人。The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids.

密特拉教的第七级原本是要授予的什么?What did the 7th grade of Mithraism originally confer?

“我们的要求,到时候会告知你。请在此稍候。”尤达说。"Request we do that while we confer you wait here, " Yoda said.

这都是本研究所欲探讨、考与厘清之重点。This is the weight-bearing point of this article want to confer.

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鱼类的脑部侧化现象则似乎也能带来一些生存优势。Lateralization seems to confer an advantage for some fish as well.

但即令是和哥斯达黎加谈判,我们回家时,身上也会输得连件衬衣都没有。But we can't confer with Costa Rica and come home with our shirts on.

我知道他不会放弃而屈服的,他肯定进行了一场殊死搏斗。I try confer from the fact that I know he didn't go down by giving up.

从细胞功能方面考虑,多顺反子mRNA具有什么优点?What advantages, if any, does it confer in terms of the cells function?

他默默不语地听着,终于答应和医生谈谈看。He listened in silence, and finally promised to confer with the physician.

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康弗说,“不要忽略你的脸蛋或是身材,他们还是都很重要。”“Don't neglect your face or your body,” Confer says. “It all still matters.

在家工作的员工还能为公司省钱,比如在房地产和办公成本上。Work-at-home employees also confer savings, on real estate and office costs.

市长授予汤姆一个荣誉称号,以表彰他对教育事业所做出的贡献。mayor confer Tom a honor for his great contribution to the educational case.

记住别人给你的好处,忘掉自己施人的恩惠。Remember what you receive from others, and forget benefits you confer to others.

记住别人给你的好处,忘掉自己施人的恩惠。Remenber what you receive from others, and forget benefits you confer to others.

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在做出这一重大决策之前,我们必须与全体委员交换意见.We need to confer with the whole committee before making this important decision.

以上观点组成了企业治理系统的理论框架。The above that we confer composes the framework of the corporate governance system.

布朗大学是我青睐的另一所学校,但提前申请没有给我带来任何好处。At Brown University, my other favorite, applying early did not confer any advantage.