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人类本来生活在大自然的,日晒雨淋。Human life in the nature, originally impoverishment.

就像魔法一样,穷人变成“特别投资工具”。Magically, impoverishment became a "special investment vehicle".

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它们的兴盛和肥壮正是地方的贫瘠。Their prosperity and their fatness mean the impoverishment of the country.

他们的疾病和死亡造成了整个家庭的贫困。Their sickness and death contribute to the impoverishment of entire families.

探讨了福建土壤养分的时、空变异及贫瘠化特征。This essay discusses the spatial-temporal distributions of soil impoverishment in Fujian province.

建立了矿体模型、损失贫化动态模型和配矿优化模型。Establishing the ore body model, the loss impoverishment dynamic model and the ore matching optimization model.

在气候不稳、难民如流和贫困交加的情况下感染性疾病是无法控制的。Infectious diseases cannot be stabilised in circumstances of climatic instability, refugee flows and impoverishment.

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最终动物世界将会发生大规模的种族灭绝,我们的地球则会不可逆转地走向衰竭。The result could be a virtual genocide of much of the animal world and an irreversible impoverishment of our planet.

二战期间,各岛和人民都被日本军事所剥削而变为贫困。During World War II, the islands and people had been exploited by the Japanese Military to the point of impoverishment.

可事实上,非常多的人只要能牢牢的完全毁灭他们的竞争对手,他们会高高兴兴的面对贫穷。But in fact, a great many men will cheerfully face impoverishment if they can thereby secure complete ruin for their rivals.

为解决粒子滤波的“采样枯竭”问题,正则化了H无穷粒子滤波器的观测矢量。To overcome the sample impoverishment problem of particle filter, the observation vector of H infinity filter is regularized.

对于矿岩界阶不明显,必须注意矿体的二次圈定工作,以减少贫化和损失。As for the mine rock without obvious boundary, take care to the secondary localization of ore body to reduce loss and impoverishment.

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对于这些力量来说,投票箱不足以敷衍他们,他们也不会容忍为资本主义政策所延续的穷愁潦倒。For these forces, the ballot box will not suffice, and they will not accept the continuance of capitalist policies of impoverishment.

安南认为现在充满希望,因为"很多发展中国家已经成功地使千百万人摆脱了贫困和绝望。There is hope today because "many developing countries have succeeded in lifting millions of people out of impoverishment and despair.

大多数选民对于他们自己相对贫困化的明显接受的态度反映了潜在的政治态度的变化。The apparent acquiescence of most voters in their own relative impoverishment turns out to reflect shifts in underlying political attitudes.

同样致命的是,穆加贝竟亲往这一被破坏的体无完肤的地方视察,这一贫瘠之地曾是非洲经济奇迹故事中的一个。Equally devastating, Mugabe has overseen the complete destruction and impoverishment of what had been one of Africa's economic success stories.

实际上,政府为重分配财富和收入所做的种种努力,只会扼杀生产积极性,并导致普遍贫困化。Practically all government attempts to redistribute wealth and income tend to smother productive incentives and lead toward general impoverishment.

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这样就能改善一些地区文盲和失业者的困境从而明显减少无知和贫穷。This can trim down ignorance and impoverishment by fixing dilemmas of illiteracy and unemployment that are staring several nation states in the face.

但这样的教育中心却能尽可能消除父母的错误管教带来的消极影响,使孩子们更加自由的发挥潜力。But such a world would at least let more children come closer to their mental potential, unconstrained by the mistakes or impoverishment of their parents.

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries.