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它起着负反馈的作用。It produces a degenerative effect.

间盘退变也是很重要的病因。Disc degenerative disease is a cause of concern.

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通常发生退行性椎间盘疾病犬的年龄在3-7岁。Most dogs with degenerative disk disease are 3-7 years old.

心肌的退化性变化发生于许多疾病。Degenerative changes of the myocardium occur in many diseases.

玻璃体同样发生机械性和退行性变化。Similar mechanical and degenerative changes occur in the vitreous.

当你看到里面结构时,你会看到关节炎、椎间盘之类。When you look inside, you see arthritis, degenerative disks, and such.

这种非典型现象属于自然退化性表现,在青年男性的精囊是看不到的。The atypia is degenerative and not observed in the seminal vesicles of young men.

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分析这些退变因素和基因多态现象之间的相关性。Correlations between these degenerative factors and the polymorphisms were analyzed.

适当减轻学生的学习负担,加强体育锻炼是预防初高中学生近视进展的至关点。So it is important that the students'burden be relieved to prevent degenerative myopia.

下肢截肢的患者中髋关节关节炎的发病率较高。Degenerative joint disease is not uncommon in patients with lower extremity amputations.

临床组应用TLS治疗腰椎退变性不稳脊椎融合41例。TLS was used clinically for the treatment of degenerative lumbar unstability in 41 cases.

大瓶螺雌雄异体,但雌性个体有退化的雄性生殖器官。Ampullaria gigas is gonochorism, but the female has a degenerative male reproductive organ.

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我觉得网站进段没有得到发展,反而在退步。I feel the website is entered paragraph did not get developing, be in instead degenerative.

减轻学生的学习负担,是防止近视进展的关键。So it is neccessary that we should relieve the students' burden to prevent degenerative myopia.

脊椎病是涵盖性术语,用于描述脊柱退变性疾病引起的疼痛。Spondylosis is an umbrella term used to describe pain from degenerative conditions of the spine.

小关节突关节的退变表现为骨赘增生以及软骨缺失。The facet joint degenerative changes are shown by the presence of osteophytes and cartilage loss.

均有不同程度的颈椎退行性改变和颈、肩、背部疼痛史。They all had cervical degenerative change in different degree and neck-shoulder-back pain history.

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此手术适合矢状面上退变性不稳的患者。This osteotomy is beneficial for patients who have a degenerative imbalance in the sagittal plane.

很多科学家证明了酸性体质是衰竭性疾病的元凶。Many scientists have confirmed acidic blood environment is the main cause of degenerative diseases.

重击造成的脑伤,头部创伤,或退化性疾病都能引起面容失认症。Prosopagnosia can be caused by brain damage from a stroke or head trauma, or degenerative diseases.