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调试与狩猎没什么不同。Debugging is not unlike a hunt.

因此,爱尔兰经济不同于希腊。So its economy is unlike Greece.

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我学的象不象?The elephant that I learn unlike?

我与雾没有什么不同。And not unlike the mist have I been.

这是弧线,不像这个。This is an arc, not unlike this one.

与黄金不同,日元的持有量偏低。The yen, unlike gold, is under-owned.

而且,跟垃圾邮件不同的是,培根邮件是用户自发订阅的。And unlike spam, bacn is self-inflicted.

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原不一样是我们的职司和前程。Unlike are we, unlike, o princely heart!

与朗讯不同,中国拥有核武器。Unlike Lucent, China has nuclear weapons.

我和你不一样,我不习惯说谎。Unlike you, I am not accustomed to lying.

是啊!我一二季都看完了才发现忘了下第三季!He is unlike anything we have seen before.

但和别的孩子不一样,从此他拒绝再下来。Unlike other boys, Cosimo never came down.

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与ST-4X不同的是,ST-5X非常简洁。Unlike the ST-4X, the ST5X is very compact.

这本书拖沓,不像巴札纳的那本古尔德。It drags, unlike Bazzana’s Glenn Gould book.

和乌有之乡不同,刘讲起话来小心谨慎。Unlike Utopia, Liu speaks in measured tones.

不同于1987年,这一次,我已经准备就绪。So was I. Unlike 1987, this time I was ready.

不像这屋子里,外面的空气新鲜又清静。The air is crisp and clean, unlike this room.

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不似湘江水北流。Unlike Xiang River flowing towards the north.

选车和选衣服不一样。Choosing a car is not unlike choosing a dress.

它向我们展示了我们在实际上与上帝如何的不同。It shows us just how unlike God we really are.