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一些泡菜汁怎么样?How about some pickle juice?

妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。Mother used to pickle onions.

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我们也可以泡制红甘蓝。We can also pickle red cabbage.

但如果转换思路,也不妨做成泡菜。But for a change, make a pickle.

把牛口条放在腌菜汁里腌制。Leave an ox tongue in salt pickle.

一起还有花卷和泡菜。That's served with a roll and pickle.

我想我会把这些小黄瓜腌起来。I think I will pickle these cucumbers.

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尝尝四川泡菜吧!Please taste this Sichuan style pickle.

你要做腌黄瓜吗?。Are you going to pickle those cucumbers?

祖母会腌黄瓜。Grandmother knew how to pickle cucumbers.

他们每个人手里拿着一块小小的泡菜——是西印度黄瓜。Each of them was holding up a small pickle.

哈伦是个小明星,他可以打开泡菜罐。Harlan is a star, he can open a pickle jar.

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彼得派普所挑选的一配克盐渍胡椒粉。A peck of pickle peppers Peter Piper Picked.

泡菜坛盛放着泡菜。A jar of pickle will contain pickled cabbage.

狮子眼鼓鼓,擦菜子煮豆腐。Lion's eyes pumped-up, pickle with tofu boiled.

父亲自己是在一家酱菜园里学徒。My father was an apprentice in a sauce and pickle shop.

在更长的时间才能咸菜它,更将是美味。The longer to pickle it, the more delicious it would be.

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我又用筷子夹了一块泡萝卜放进她嘴里。With my chopsticks, I put a radish pickle into her mouth!

趁热享用,可伴以印式薄饼和杂菜沙律或渍物。Serve hot with raita , papadum and vegetables salad or pickle.

糖醋泡菜汁拌匀,分为两份,分别腌泡红、白萝卜丝约。Blend pickling mixture, divide into 2 portions, pickle carrot and.