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我是湖北人。I come from Hubei Province.

1828年,一个湖北剧团来到北京。In 1828 a troupe of Hubei came to Beijing.

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湖北元盛贸易有限责任公司成立于1998年。Hubei Yusun Co. , Ltd was established on 1998.

洪湖为湖北省第一大湖。Hong lake is the largest lake in Hubei Province.

湖北鑫鹰环保科技股份有限公司。Hubei XinYing Environmental Technology Co. , Ltd.

复兴武汉,是六千万湖北人的期盼。Revive Wuhan, be person of 60 million Hubei expect.

就只有湖北家的豆花是放糖的。Douhua is served with sugar and only sugar in Hubei.

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而许多湖北人感觉他们仍在不断遭受损失。Many people in Hubei feel they are still losing out.

湖北毛莨科地理分布新记录。Some new records of Ranunculaceae in Hubei Province.

现就读于湖北省旅游学校。Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province.

湖北省属亚热带气候,四季分明。Hubei has a subtropical climate with distinct seasons.

目的研究湖北地区丽蝇科地理分布及区系。Objective To study the fauna of Calliphoridae in Hubei.

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在湖北他们农村,他是一个黑孩子。He is an off-the-book baby in the local village in Hubei.

小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来湖北。Swallow, wearing beautiful clothes, Being HuBei every year.

湖北是我国细辛属植物的分布中心之一。Hubei is one of the distribution centres of Asarum in China.

它属于优良的瘦肉猪新品种之一。Hubei white pig belong to new one of good breed of lean pig.

1932年,他又来到湖北省进行水灾救济工作。Like wise in 1932 he worked on floodrelief in Hubei Province.

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我是湖北师范学院生物系的一名学生。I am a student of Biology department, Hubei Normal University.

我是湖北民族学院的一名学生。I'm a student in Hubei institute for nationalities university.

公司的主营单位是湖北省建设厅。The main unit is the building of the Office of Hubei Province.