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理想就是航标。Ideal is the beacon.

理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

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完美伴侣,从我做起。Be your ideal spouse.

理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

我非常喜爱我的理想家园。I enjoy my ideal home.

这些是理想气体。These are ideal gases.

就像理想气体在平衡态。Just like an ideal gas.

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但是他的理想却是虚无飘渺的。But his ideal is in air.

电子通讯的理想选择。E-newsletters are ideal.

这您是你理想的家。Here is your ideal home.

为了一个城市的生活理想。To ideal of a city life.

所有的都是理想气体。All ideal gases. For now.

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在理想液体混合物中。In ideal liquid mixtures.

要树立远大理想。No. 5 Set up great ideal.

理想的学生芭蕾舞鞋。Ideal student ballet shoe.

这种做法并不理想。The approach is not ideal.

是波义耳定律。The ideal gas thermometer.

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平衡态理想气体的平衡态。equilibria of ideal gases.

对理想气体就是这个。For the ideal gas it's this.

他仍然坚守着这个理想。He still clove to this ideal.