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万古长青的理性的纪念物。Monuments of unageing intellect.

我们缺乏对于这种能力的培养。We are not cultivating the intellect.

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黄色在梦中是智力的象征。Yellow is symbolic of the intellect in dreams.

他们中一些人相信智慧Some of them come to really believe in intellect.

仅仅有智慧是不够的,还需要品格。Intellect sufficeth not, character is also needed.

智力和智能是两者的重要为一个魔术师。Intellect and Wisdom are both important for a Mage.

人人都承认这人的头脑顶呱呱。Everyone agreed that the man had a master intellect.

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学校仍在排斥对智力的培养。School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted.

秘法智慧和秘法光辉的法力消耗量降低。Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance mana costs reduced.

但是佩蒂特比赛的基础是他的聪明和力量。But the bedrock of Petit's game was his intellect and strength.

多恩律师辩护她为神智不清。Her barrister, Mr Doane, pleaded that she was of weak intellect.

所以,规则也可以更为明白地被智性所掌握。Thus it will be perceived much more distinctly by our intellect.

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怒火锈蚀智力,令人难辨是非。Anger rusts intellect so that it cannot discern right from wrong.

这个并不需要智力上的争辩或理解。It is not something to be debated, or understood by the intellect.

这儿,金发变成了铁石心肠和不可捉摸的智慧的代名词。Here, blonde morphs into steely resolve and impenetrable intellect.

以你的智商,这种问题估计你答不出来。That's not the kind of question you can answer with your intellect.

通过对批判性思维的练习,你会发现你的智力一鸣惊人。By practicing self-critical thinking, your intellect will amaze you.

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一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect.

不过,年纪较大的人留着教授式的胡子会显得有着深邃的智慧。Still, professorial beards on older men can imply depth of intellect.

她的头脑全被许多偏见和迷信搞昏了。Her intellect was indeed darkled by many prejudices and superstitions.