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我们准备爆破这座旧大楼。We are going to demolish the old building.

它的踢蹬攻击足以摧毁大石头。Its kicking attacks demolish concrete blocks.

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一片四英尺的太空垃圾可以摧毁一架航天飞机。A four-inch piece of space junk can demolish a shuttle.

患难也许会拆毁我们的事业,可是能建立我们的品性。Trouble may demolish a man's business but build up his character.

惩罚条款可能包括大额罚款或者勒令拆除工厂。Penalties could include big fines or an order to demolish the plants.

这儿所有的恶毒攻击都意味着要试图败坏作家的名誉。All the hatchet job here meant a calculated attempt to demolish the author.

拒不拆除的,由公安机关强制拆除。Refus does not demolish, demolish compulsively by public security mechanism.

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其作品中试图磨灭现实的质感而替换以时间的陈迹。He attempts to demolish the trace of reality and replace it with relics of time.

失去控制,不得其所,我们会将你筑起的信仰连根拔起。Out of control, out of place, we will demolish this religion that you have made.

山坡崩塌摧毁建筑并连人埋葬是常识。Common knowledge suggests that landslides demolish and bury buildings and people.

负责布雷的变色龙机器人被派去用炸药摧毁洞穴。Mine-laying chameleon droids were dispatched to demolish the caves with explosives.

乔纳森?尼和他的同事推翻了由这种陈词滥调炎生出来的商业论断。Mr Knee and colleagues demolish the business arguments derived from these banalities.

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拆焊电路板上各种大大小小屏蔽盖。热缩管、聚氯乙烯管子的热收缩。Demolish various kinds of screening cover on PCB. Shrink the shrinkable tube and PVC tube.

即便是在电视里看过龙卷风,你们也知道它能在几秒内摧毁一座建筑。Even though you've seen tornados in TV, you know tornado could demolish buildings in seconds.

即使你仅仅在电影中见过龙卷风,你会知道他们可以在一瞬间摧毁建筑物。Even if you have seen tornados only in movies, you know they can demolish buildings in a second.

他说今年底特律将拆除3000套房屋,到其任期末,将拆除7000多套。The city, he said, would demolish 3, 000 homes this year and 7, 000 more by the end of his term.

他们威胁破坏房子,使得居民被迫缴出因为超生孩子所需的罚款。They threatened to demolish homes to make residents cough up fines demanded for excess children.

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我认为这是个错误,再发给我恐吓信就把你们的人一个个干掉!I will consider this as a mistake, but one more threat and I will demolish your people one by one!

对于迫切希望保全公司的杨先生来说,他必须小心防止意外的发生。Mr Yang, in his zeal to preserve the company he started, must now take care not to demolish it by accident.

水下爆破沉船清理航道是一种快速、有效、经济的手段。Using underwater blasting to demolish the wrack in the waterway is a rapid, effective and economical means.