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他生气地走了。He left angrily.

亚哈王气冲冲地问。Ahab asked angrily.

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他生气地把头往后一仰。He tossed his head angrily.

他气愤地嗖嗖地抽打他的靴子。He angrily swished his boot.

他愤怒地用拳捶击桌子。He thumped the table angrily.

我很气,叫了他一声“死纳粹”。" Nazi death" I said angrily.

汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。Tom pounded the table angrily.

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人们生气地呵斥它们。The men hooted angrily at them.

我恶狠狠的盯着窗户外面。I glared angrily out the window.

她盛怒之下把信撕成碎片。Angrily she ripped the letter up.

他生气地把信揉成一团。He screwed the letter up angrily.

她愤怒地将信揉成一团。She crushed up the letter angrily.

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她甚至激动的使劲跺脚。She even stomped angrily her foot.

老虎怒冲冲地摆着尾巴。The tiger lashed its tail angrily.

那匹马发著怒甩动的尾巴。The horse whisked its tail angrily.

然后她开始向我愤怒地大喊大叫起来。Then she began to angrily hallo me.

她朝他大吼,很生气地走开了。She shouted at him and left angrily.

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那猫的尾巴愤怒地甩动着。The cat's tail lashed about angrily.

他怒气冲冲地冲出了会议室。He angrily storms out of the meeting.

范先生生气地凝视着他。Mr Fang stared at him angrily. 'Guilty.