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他们就开始显露可憎的面目。They began to reveal the face of heinous.

捏造数据是十恶不赦的科学之罪。Fabricating data is a heinous scientific sin.

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时间,十恶不赦的东西,理所当然地掠夺我的一切。Time, heinous things, of course, I am all the looting.

没有比盗窃更十恶不赦的事情了,阿米尔。There is no more heinous than stealing things, and Amir.

也不要被踩成一堆黏湿可憎的稀泥。Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.

一间装满那些她都负担不起的可憎鞋子的衣帽间?A walk-in closet for all her heinous shoes she can’t even afford?

深圳警方透露,这是一个可能非常凶残的要案主凶。Shenzhen police, this is a very heinous cases might chief instigator.

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我感到非常羞愧,好像患上抑郁症是犯了涛天罪行。I felt so guilty as if I was committing a heinous crime being depressed.

不承诺,不能承诺,利瑟生长激素缺乏症,更令人发指的承诺没有比。Do not promise, can not promise, lisser ghd, promise no more heinous than.

他争辩说,有些行为十恶不赦,除了死刑其他刑罚都不合适。Some acts, he argues, are so heinous that no other punishment is appropriate.

11日,200名持枪警员突击搜查该地点,揭发令人发指的罪行,解救出24名苦工。Armed police officers raided the site and expose a heinous crime, rescued 24 hard labor.

这种情况并非罕见削减手中偷窃和斩首有人更令人发指的罪行。It is not uncommon to cut hands for stealing and behead someone for more heinous crimes.

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但是一些道德上的不洁,就是由于一些及其凶恶的罪孽堆积而生的。But moral impurity arises specifically from the commission of certain heinous sins specifically.

即使是最十恶不赦的罪行也是源于人们作出的错误的选择,屈服于诱惑。Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation.

当电视上有声有色的描述著可怕的犯罪事件时,又如何能期待我们的儿童不会变的麻木不仁?When we are graphically exposed to heinous crimes no TV, how can the children not be desensitized ?

坏女孩Penelope早就用她那银蓝色LG巧克力3犯下了无数滔天罪恶咯。Mean girl Penelope has already committed many, many heinous crimes with her ice-blue LG Chocolate 3.

我们面对的是罪恶滔天的歹徒,所以在对决时不能有半点犹豫。In front of us are the most heinous criminals, so we shouldn't hesitate at all when confronting them.

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万恶的企业、包工头和黑社会势力勾结,砍死砍伤要工资的农民工不计其数。Heinous enterprises, labor contractor of labourers die, the exploitation of our hard-earned hard year.

英格兰的守护神乔治的标志性成就便是派遣一个令人发指的动物。The signature achievement of England’s patron saint, George, is dispatching one of the heinous creatures.

外界的人们几乎不敢相信这些人可以这么快就宽恕了这一场毫无人性的罪行。The outside world was incredulous that such forgiveness could be offered so quickly for such a heinous crime.