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这个投机赚钱事业让他成为大富翁。The moneymaking venture made him rich.

本周赚钱的机会将会出现。Moneymaking opportunities will surface.

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将你的精力花在赚钱上。Put your energy into moneymaking ventures.

本周将精力放在赚钱上。Put your efforts into moneymaking ventures.

但是盈利方式完全不同了。But the moneymaking was completely different.

将所有精力用于投机赚钱。Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures.

不要感情用事,以免影响你赚钱。Don't let your emotions interfere with moneymaking deals.

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他想见你是要谈生意经。It is a moneymaking proposition he wants to see you about.

要把全部精力投入到获取更多赚钱的机会上。All your energy should be directed into moneymaking opportunities.

在人人都忙于赚钱的80年代,去上大学是缺少激情的表现。Going to college in the moneymaking eighties lacked a certain radicalism.

旅行会给你带来赚钱的机遇。Opportunities to travel will be favorable in terms of moneymaking connections.

牧场主人晓得这项突变具有生财的潜力,于是马上就把这只公羊做为种羊。Sensing a moneymaking mutation, the rancher promptly put the ram out for stud.

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掌握这项技术的关键也在于赚钱的投资的一部分。The key to mastering the skill of moneymaking also lies on the investment part.

因此你决不能忽视对盈利基本要素的再度审视。That's why you should never consider it beneath you to revisit the moneymaking basics.

那也就意味着,要放弃某些赚钱的机会,这样产生泡沫的几率最小。That means leaving some moneymaking opportunities on the table, a most unbubble-like thing to do.

吉尔吉斯斯坦盈利行业为数甚少,黄金业就是其中之一,所以该国官员们并不愿意轻易让中国人。Kyrgyzstani officials are reluctant to surrender a share in one of the nation's few moneymaking businesses.

一些天秤座的女人很擅长靠投机来赚钱,而且她们喜欢做合资。Many Libra women are good at moneymaking ventures and they favor investment of their money into partnership.

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李光头使出浑身解数,运用各种骗人、缺德的赚钱伎俩,从而成为全镇最富有的人。Baldy Li concocts a number of dishonest, unethical moneymaking schemes to turn him into the richest man in town.

关键在于找到公司能够满足客户需求并达成盈利基本因素的业务核心。Finding a central idea for the business that meets customer demands and delivers the fundamentals of moneymaking is key.

两大集团都有涉足石油走私、诱拐与其他当地赚钱方案的嫌疑,因此,大量由利益引发的冲突也就随之而起。As both groups allegedly dabble in oil-smuggling, abductions and other local moneymaking schemes, plenty of conflicts of interest arise.