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我们火急需要帮助。We are in dire need of help.

这种情况还不可怕。The situation is not yet dire.

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公司处于极度困难的境地。The company is in dire straits.

每个行动都有一个悲惨的后果。Each action has a dire weight consequence.

环境现在变得如此恶劣That's how dire the environment has become.

据新华社消息,国家发改委对外经济研究所所长张燕生提出了一个更悲观的观点。Chinese officials presented a more dire view.

她看起来怏怏不乐,并且风尘仆仆需要沐浴一番。She looks unhappy and in dire need of a bath.

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与世隔绝和孤立感是非常可怕的。The isolation and cut-off feeling can be dire.

而他又在流亡中与妻子走散He separated from her because of dire necessity.

最近几周从中国传来的消息很吓人。The news from China in recent weeks has been dire.

刀锋山的某种鸟现在可以抓捕。Dire Ravens in Blade's Edge Mountains now tameable.

根据国际人道组织的说法,郭翁同的健康状况也相当严峻。The health is Ko Aung Tun is also said to be very dire.

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如果这一上限得不到提高,将产生极其严重的后果。There will be dire consequences if this limit isn’t raised.

尽情拾遗是很有趣,但还亟需整理。It is great fun to dip into but in dire need of organisation.

芝加哥阳光时代杂志报道说诺瓦科的健康状况很糟。The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Novak's condition is dire.

具体地说,以色列面临着多种严峻的威胁。More specifically, Israel faces a combination of dire threats.

兄弟间一同使用散兵坑,在危难时刻彼此帮助。Among brothers, share foxholes, help each other in dire moments.

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他说,形势危急,需要当机立断。He said the situation was dire and that time was of the essence.

这些情况对于获取清洁的水都有可怕的后果。Both situations have dire consequences for access to clean water.

鲁宾非常幸运,正好桑杰·贾阿也一样身处险境。Fortunately for Rubin, Sanjay Jha was in just as dire a position.