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对比,我们也坚信不疑。And we strongly believe too.

这是一个强烈的对比。This is a strongly comparation.

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这种水呈强碱性的。This water is strongly alkaline.

他酷似他的父亲。He strongly resembles his father.

我强力力荐这种产业商品。I strongly recommend the product.

那音乐有强烈的节奏。The music is strongly rhythmical.

强烈的讽刺味道扑面而来。A sense of satire is strongly felt.

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我强烈反对他的见解。I strongly disagree with his views.

史前时期是父系氏族。Prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

先轻轻地摇扇,然后再猛烈地摇。Wave a fan gently and then strongly.

将这些细节深深地刻印在你的记忆里。Impress them strongly on your memory.

这是个强NP—完全问题。This problem is strongly NP-complete.

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他们竭力劝我不要这样做。They strongly advised me not to do so.

那时候,她义正词严地加以否认。At the time, she had strongly denied it.

无论我怎样竭力推荐这部影片也不嫌过分。I can’t recommend the film too strongly.

这条公路坚实平整。This is a smooth, strongly built highway.

这两本书都是以解题为主的。Both books are strongly solution-oriented.

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他的文章题咏,也经常禅味十足。His articles are strongly flavored of Zen.

他严斥他的疏忽。He rebuked him strongly for his negligence.

这是非常岁,是壁垒森严。It is very old, and was strongly fortified.