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不要攻击批评者,要从善如流。Don't attack the messenger.

天女,是神的使者。Girl, is the messenger of god.

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中英双语。杀死信使。ChrisRock. Kill. The. Messenger.

送信者是他的一位朋友。The messenger was one of his friends.

她在署名中把自己称作“和平使者”。She signed herself “A Peace Messenger.”

但见这正直的汉子一路尾随上帝的信使。And the just man trailed God's messenger.

钙是一种普遍存在的第二信使。Calcium is a ubiquitous second messenger.

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慕她之名,年轻的国王派来了使者。Mu her name, young king sent a messenger.

你或许就是神所差派给那个人的使者。You may be God's messenger to that person.

上帝和他的信使一定都近视了吧。God is nearsighted and so is his messenger.

责任的信使是不会偷懒的。The messenger of duty however was not idle.

它说它就是上帝派来的使者。It said that it is the messenger sent by God.

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这是最好的雅虎通可以给你。This is the best yahoo messenger can give you.

但他通过特别信使把他的礼物送过来了。But he sent his gift over by special messenger.

没有信使核糖核酸,也就产生不了蛋白质。Without messenger RNA, no protein was produced.

他作为友好使者出席了会议。He attended the meeting as a goodwill messenger.

他说传送器是被人破坏的。He's convinced that the Messenger was sabotaged.

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尔文和我聊天的即时通讯软件。Kelvin and I were chatting on Instant Messenger.

使者默不做声,答案是正确的。Messenger quietly silent, the answer is correct.

王老师扮演这个信息员躲避监视。Mr Wang acted the messenger to avoid inspection.