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但是他喜欢喝豆浆,每天早上一大杯。But he likes to drink soymilk , a big cup a day.

做豆浆之前,要先把黄豆碾碎。We have to mill the soybeans first to make soymilk.

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Kashi牌谷物+豆奶+浆果或其他水果Kashi cereal with soymilk and berries or other fruits.

其他特色食品有油条和甜豆浆。Other typical foods include fried sticks and sweetened soymilk.

本文研究了木瓜蛋白酶对豆浆的凝固机理。The mechanism of soymilk coagulation made with papain was studied.

如果仅加入豆奶或杏仁奶,那么早餐便已足够健康。Simply add soymilk or almond milk, and you have a blockbuster breakfast!

以豌豆为原料,对豌豆制作酸豆奶的加工工艺进行了研究。The processing technology for making sour soymilk from pea was studied in this work.

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对酵母菌与乳酸菌混合发酵制备酸豆浆酒的工艺进行了研究。Yeast and lactobacillus were used as starters for production of sour soymilk liquor.

如果您怀疑牛奶过敏,在您的宝宝,您可以尝试改变公式或切换到豆乳。If you suspect milk allergy in your baby, you could try changing formulas or switch to soymilk.

我想知道我是否应该喝牛奶或豆浆钙没有不必要的激素。I like to know whether I should drink milk or soymilk for calcium, without the unwanted hormone.

也可以选择富含基于藻类的、可持续食用的强化食品,如某些品牌的牛奶,豆奶和鸡蛋。Or, choose foods fortified with a sustainable, algae-based DHA, such as some brands of milk, soymilk and eggs.

试验用无腥味大豆、胡萝卜汁为主要原料生产蔬菜汁豆奶。Off-flavor soybean and carrot juice extract were exploited as the main materials to develop soymilk mixed vegetable juice.

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增加盐类凝固剂浓度,可以强化豆腐凝胶强度,但对保水性有弱化作用。As salt-coagulant concentration in soymilk increased, tofu-gel strength increased, whereas water-holding capacity decreased.

在研究纯大豆发酵豆乳的基础上,对产品的风味物质与微观结构进行了初步分析和探索。On the basis of studying fermented soymilk, this paper discussed the flavor substance and microstructure of fermented soymilk.

大豆食品像豆腐、豆豉和强化豆奶在这方面有双重功能,因为它们可同时提供钙和蛋白。Soy products like tofu, tempeh and fortified soymilk do double duty in this regard since they provide both calcium and protein.

豆浆中的蛋白质是不稳定的,其在溶液中的溶解应理解为分散行为。Soy protein in the soymilk is unstable thermodynamically, and the dissolving process of soy protein should be a disperse process.

这些奶营养素含量偏低,但它们是钙和维生素D的很好的来源,是豆奶的很好的替代品。These milks tend to be low in nutrients, but they are a good source of calcium and vitamin D, and a great alternative to soymilk.

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对作者用乳酸发酵制作的酸豆奶的营养价值、抗营养因素的分解破坏及卫生学指标进行了分析研究。The nutritional value, anti-nutritional factors and hygienic indicators of soymilk yoghurt fermented by lactobacillus were studied.

豆奶仅仅是大豆浸泡在水中,然后压榨成乳状的液体而已,丹贝实际上是大豆发酵而成。Soymilk is basically whole soy beans soaked in water and squeezed to produce a milky liquid, and tempeh is actual soybeans fermented.

研究豆浆在不同加热条件下对内酯豆腐凝胶强度和黏度的影响。The effects of heating temperature and heating time of raw soymilk on lactone bean curd gel strength and viscosity were investigated.