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所以海蛤蝓吃海藻。So sea slugs eat algae.

拖上来的只是些水藻。Drag up just some of the algae.

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经海水中的藻类问题坦克?Water in the tank problem algae?

如果藻类能够做到,我们为什么不能?If algae can do it, why can't we?

他们测试了从蓝藻中得到的褐藻胶。They tested alginate from brown algae.

中国藻华泛滥早已“臭名远扬”。China is notorious for its algae blooms.

卵或藻类,何者在前?Which came first, the eggs or the algae?

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那么水藻到底是如何进入胚胎里的呢?So how might the algae enter the embryos?

湖中水藻滋蔓。Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake.

你觉得海藻像是用软胶厚涂的绿色软泥吗?Do you think of algae as gloopy green slime?

转基因蓝藻的使用方法略有不同。A different method was used with the GM algae.

藻类是一种简单的植物或植物样生物。Algae are simply plants or plant-like organisms.

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并且,Sigman说,当海藻死掉,它们就沉淀下去。And, when the algae die, Sigman said, they sink.

海藻生长很快,有一些海藻含有很多油分。Algae grow quickly and some contain a lot of oils.

中国东海岸城市青岛等全力清除绿海藻。Clean-up of green algae underway on E China coast.

有哪位藻类专家能立刻打电话转接分机4324?Will any algae specialist call extension 4324 stat?

微胞藻类遍布全球。The Microcystis algae can be found around the world.

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绿藻液颜色太深了,已经看不到水里的鱼了。The green algae solution is too dark to see the carp.

另外还有水藻,它的油质可以用做燃料。And then there is algae. Its oil can be used for fuel.

鱼类吃海胆,海胆以小块的藻类为食。Fish pick at the urchins, which feed on bits of algae.