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我们不照顾枢密院室的政府。We do not care for privy chamber of government.

很显然,主教对教区的记录很清楚。Clearly, the bishop was privy to parish records.

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我没有任何要想宣布的意思,所以请冷静。I’m not privy to any pending announcement, so calm down.

我所知道的最恶心的事情之一就是汉堡的制作。One of the nastiest things I became privy to is how hamburger is made.

这还没有发表,完全是只提供给TED的私人信息。And it hasn't been published, so it's totally privy information just for TED.

你采集火柴,剥橡果,叫你挖一个单独的新洞你就挖。You gather the kindling, husk the acorns, and dig a new privy hole when asked.

因为他的种种善举,在1906年被授予准男爵称号,又在1909年成为枢密顾问院的成员。For his philanthropy he was made a baronet in 1906 and a Privy Counsellor in 1909.

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那个理发师也是一名军人,他看起来好像对任何高级军官的秘密存在利害关系。The barber was also an army man and seemed to be privy to every officer’s secrets.

她说她只能模模糊糊地回忆起保密协议的问题,但是她并不属于知情人的范围。She said that she could vaguely recall a confidentiality agreement, but wasn't privy to it.

枢密院司法委员会有两个特别的性质需要了然于胸。Two unusual features of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council should be borne in mind.

唐代后期枢密使的设置则为宦官控制政权提供了机会。The privy position in late Tang Dynasty provided opportunities for the eunuch to usurp power.

据传,那次政变是枢密院主席炳·廷素拉暖授意的。Reported, that the coup is the President of the Privy Council Prem Tinsulanonda's instructions.

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比如你是排球社的社员,且想知道实时比赛的更新信息。Say you are a member of a volleyball league and you want to be privy to real-time game updates.

除非你知道秘密内情,最好的办法就是静观其变。Unless you're privy to divine inspiration, the best thing to do is to watch the process evolve.

那是因为这12国中大多数都将伦敦的枢密院做为他们的最终上诉法院。That is because most of the 12 retain the Privy Council in London as their court of final appeal.

英国侍臣,曾是英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,而且从587年起一直担任女王军队的总司令。English courtier who was privy councilor to Elizabeth I and the captain general of her armies from 587.

现理论界主要存在当事人恒定主义或诉讼继受主义两种不同的立场。Now, There are two different viewpoint to privy forever principle and suit acceding principle in theory.

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他信要求两名国王的个人顾问辞职,认为他们支持2006年的政变。Mr Thaksin has called for the resignation of two privy counsellors whom he says were behind the 2006 coup.

"该交易几乎已尘埃落定,目前需待监管当局批准,"一位参与此事的人士说."The deal is almost done, it has to now receive regulatory approvals," said a person privy to the development.

这名男子的脸上表情令人着迷,特别是当我们无法得知其眼中目标的时候。The expression on this man’s face is intriguing, especially since we are not privy to the object of his vision.