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我说正经的。I'm serious.

没错,我是认真的。Yes, I’m serious.

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我是说正经的。I'm being serious.

不,我是喜瑞儿!No, I am serious !

他无可厚非是认真的。He was legit serious.

而且拥有超强功率。And with serious power.

旱情严重。The drought is serious.

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他们是很认真的。They were very serious.

别笑,我是认真的。Don’t laugh. I’m serious.

他摆出一副严肃的面孔。He put on a serious look.

只要严肃认真的冒险者。Serious adventurers only.

事态严重。The situation is serious.

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他是一个持重的年轻人。He is a serious young man.

你认为她是当真的吗?Do you think she’s serious?

游戏是件正经事。Play is a serious business.

这些是严重的罪行。These are serious offences.

你就不能严肃点吗?Can you be serious for once?

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这是非常严重的失误。Thatis very serious mistake.

这是一个认真持重的年轻人。This is a serious young man.

一场重病夺去了他的生命。A serious disease felled him.