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刑事公诉权是检察权的核心内容。The key contents of procuratorial power is criminal suit power.

人民检察院是通过行使检察权来完成自己的任务的。The people's procuratorates have the right to exercise procuratorial authority.

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任何单位和个人不得以任何方式为招标人指定招标代理机构。No unit or person may designate a procuratorial agency for the tenderer in any form.

检察权具有行政权和司法权的双重属性。Procuratorial authority has the administrative power and double judicial powers attribute.

检察权的合理配置也是当前检察制度改革和发展的重要课题。It is also the essential problem in the revolution and development of Procuratorial system.

在改革之期,检察权的设置与完善是极为关注的焦点。At the period of reform, the setting up and perfecting of the procuratorial power is the focus.

主诉检察官办案责任制是对我国原有检察制度的重大突破。The main-suit procurator system is an important breakthrough in the China's procuratorial system.

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因此,当前我国检察机构改革的方向应当是保障检察权的独立行使。We should reform the procuratorial system to safeguard the independence of procuratorial authority.

查处贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务犯罪,是我国检察机关的法定职能。It is the statutory functions of the procuratorial organs in China to investigate the official offence.

董必武是新中国在政法工作方面的主要领导人之一。Dong Biwu was one of chief leaders in the public security, procuratorial and judicial work in New China.

由于现行法律对这项制度规定得较为粗疏,民事检察制度的运行显得不尽人意。At present, the system of civil procuratorial Supervisions in our country have some shortage and problem.

本文结合检察工作实践,对检察督促的适用范围和程序进行了初步探讨。In this paper, procuratorial work practice, the prosecutor urged the scope and procedures were discussed.

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因此,对检察权配置问题的研究主要关注的就是检察权的权能范围问题。The study of the configuration of Procuratorial power mainly concentrates on the scope of the competence.

检察机关是公共利益的代表,由其担当公益诉讼的主体,对侵害公共利益的违法行为进行诉讼,是各国的通例。Procuratorial organs, as the deputy of Public interest, act as the main body of public interest litigation.

检察文化的核心是检察权,公正司法是检察权的客观要求,而公平正义是检察文化的灵魂。The core of a procuratorial culture is the power, and fair and just is the soul of a procuratorial culture.

我国检察制度渊源于古代御史制度。The procuratorial system of our country is originated from the system of imperial history in ancient times.

检察机关预防权具有建议性、程序性、前瞻性、协调性和非诉讼性等特征。The procuratorial organ has the feature of suggesting, proceduring, foresight, coordinating, and non-lawsuit.

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昨天,大兴区人民检察院启动检察干警廉政信用档案制度。Yesterday, Tai Hing District People's Procuratorate launched procuratorial officers clean credit file system.

民事检察权可以启动民事审判监督程序,对判决的终局性产生影响。Civil procuratorial power can start up the supervision procedure of civil trials and influence the final verdict.

出席民事再审庭审,是检察机关行使抗诉权的一项主要内容。Attending the civil court rehearing is one major duty for procuratorial organ to exercise the counterappeal right.