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你可能会发现报道ESC政策也很复杂。You might find reporting on ESC policy just as complicated.

ESC研究是报道起来最复杂的科学话题之一。ESC research is one of the most complex science topics to cover.

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不过公认的BUG是鼠标出错,还有ESC键按太多会卡死。But accepted BUG mouse error, and ESC keys by too much will get stuck.

ESC研究是有争议的,因为在所有的情况下它都使用了一个胚胎。ESC research is controversial because in all cases, it uses an embryo.

类似地,不要使用情绪化的语言——不论是支持还是反对ESC研究。Similarly, try not use emotive language — either for or against ESC research.

它们是以我在巴西报道有争议的ESC研究的经验为基础的。They are based on my experience of covering controversial ESC research in Brazil.

我只是简略天毗连疑号输出的陀螺到疑号输进的己事编造小组委员会。I just simply connect the signal output of the gyro to the signal input of the Esc.

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2001年,我毕业于卢昂高等商学院集团-欧洲管理硕士专业。I graduated from ESC Rouen's Master of European Management program in the year 2001.

HGF可促进ESC向内胚层进一步分化,但更可能诱导其向心肌分化。HGF could promote the differentiation of ESC into endoderm , and more likely into myocardium.

本粉碎机组由30B粉碎机、ESC物料收箱、吸尘器组成。This pulverizer set consists of 30B pulverizer. ESC material collecting tank and ESC dust catcher.

你是更好地做这与伟大的谨慎或便容易结束了一个烧伤人事编制小组委员会。You are better to do this with great circumspection or it would be easily end up with a burned ESC.

芦苇已经宣布释放其所有新的微型传感器组成的无刷系统电机和ESC。Reedy have announced the release of their all-new sensorless Micro Brushless System comprising of motors and ESC.

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如果你或者你的软件包提供直接输入ESC字符的方法,就像我所能做的,那么就可以做一些有趣的事。If you or your software kit have a way to enter the ESC character directly, as I have, some wonderful things can be done.

人们常常指责记者忽略了成年干细胞的潜力而且与ESC研究人员走得太近。Journalists are often accused of ignoring the potential of adult stem cell research and being too close to ESC researchers.

当今的编译器或应用程序都会抓取ESC键释出的扫描指令,并定制相应的操作。Now any compiler or application software just grabs the scan code from the ESC key and tailors the action to what it wants.

毕业后的这5年间,我一直坚信,我在卢昂高等商学院接受的教育对我高级经理人的职业生涯有很重要的价值。After 5 years since my graduation, I still believe that my education in ESC Rouen is very valuable to my career as a senior manager.

例如,在大多数人支持ESC的国家,需要仔细考虑给少数反对意见多少分量。For example, in a country where most people are for ESC research, think carefully about how much weight to give the lone dissenting voice.

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该宪章颁布的另一个目的,就是努力成为欧洲心脏病专家认证和生效的实体。As its second major objective, the ESC is exploring options for becoming the certification and revalidation body for European cardiologists.

液晶显示器股也前店3种不同类型的人事编制小组委员会的设置,这样您可以轻松地载入您最喜爱的设置,以适应不同轨道的条件。The LCD unit also pre-stores 3 different type of ESC setting, so you can easily load your favourite setting to suit different track condition.

而在英国,对ESC研究政策的修正案与作为减少流产的法定时间限制的动议在同一个法案中进入了国会。And in the UK, amendments to ESC research policy went through parliament on the same bill as a motion to reduce the legal time limit on abortions.