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这种润唇膏是非常棒!This lip balm is great!

你可以试试这种护唇膏。You can try this lip balm.

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这是最好的护唇膏!This is the best lip balm ever!

和,请不要忘记您的护唇膏。And, don't forget your lip balm.

虎豹别墅离这里是近还是远?。Is Tiger Balm Garden near or far?

我们这里有治疗蚊虫叮咬的虎牌清凉油。We have TIGER Balm for mosquito bites.

但纯香油治愈感染的伤口。But pure balm heals the festering wound.

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种植金盏菊或者柠檬?Growing lemon balm or planting marigolds?

可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。I suffer a malady that no balm can cure !

这是最好的润唇膏我用过。This is the best lip balm I have ever used.

麝香,鸢尾花,玫瑰,安息香。Musk, Iris Powder, Rose Petals, Benzoin Balm.

治疗唇疱疹或是干燥的唇部相当好的唇膏。Great lip balm for healing cold sores or dry lips.

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如果您分享您的护唇膏与他人,停止。And if you are sharing your lip balm with others, stop.

药用唇膏是特别为嘴唇制造的湿润剂。Lip balm is a moisturizer especially made for your lips.

爱看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。Love saw the malady of sin, and sought a balm of healing.

这是最好的润唇膏我从未在我的生活中使用。This is the VERY best lip balm I have ever used in my life.

怀特洛先生的仁慈就会象甘露一样从天而降。Mr. Whitelaw's benevolence would descend like soothing balm.

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这芬芳的柔粉色香膏简直会诱惑人犯罪!This flirtatiously scented body balm is pure body seduction.

为乾裂的唇部调制的植物性护脣膏。Ginger Lip Balm Pure plant lip balm for chapped and dry lips.

因此把老虎油涂抹在胸膛时应该盖上一块热毛巾。Just rub Tiger Balm on the chest and cover with a warm towel.