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你相信算命的人说的话吗?Did you believe what the fortuneteller said?

当我出名之后,我看到了另一个算命师。After I became famous, I saw another fortuneteller.

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那名算命师说他可以读心。The fortuneteller says that he can read people's minds.

我还以为你照着算命先生告诉的去做了呢。I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do.

那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels.

那个越狱的矮个算命人是个小小的不大不小的大家伙。The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

那算命的年纪不大,穿著件呢袍子,看起来就像店里的学徒。The youngish fortuneteller looked like a shop assistant in his gabardine gown.

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你怎么会考砸呢?我以为你都照算命先生叫你做的去做了。How come you flunked? I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do.

算命者告诉简她的一次历险就要来临。The fortuneteller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.

时常会有一位善于语言灾难的算命先生。Often there will be a fortuneteller who will seem pretty skilled at predicting cataclysms.

时常会有一位善于语言灾难的算命先生。Often there will be a fortuneteller who will seem pretty skilled at predicting cataclysms.

朱半仙当场表示要杀掉雷子枫替哥哥报仇血恨。Zhu fortuneteller said on the spot to kill LeiZiFeng for elder brother revenge blood hate.

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占卜者身穿粉色兜帽上衣,微笑时一边嘴角向上,一边向下,她盯着我掌心的纹路。Wearing a pink hoodie and a crooked smile, the fortuneteller stared at the grid on my palms.

你怎么会考试不及格呢?我以为你做了一切算命人让你做的事。How come you flunked the test? I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do.

我上次算命,算命的盲人说我逃过今年十月,逃不过明年正月。I ask for my fortune last time. The fortuneteller said I could survive this Oct, but couldn't survive.

就像一个算命先生谁的预测能足够含糊来迷惑顾客的眼睛。It's like a fortuneteller whose predictions are just vague enough to pull the wool over customers' eyes.

通过一个残疾算命先生和他的聋哑妻子的故事,展示出厉百程的智慧、怜悯和生存技巧。The story of a crippled fortuneteller and his deaf-mute wife highlights the wit, compassion and compassion f Li Baicheng.

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小悟空和他的伙伴们一点头绪也没有,直到龟仙人让他们去找神秘的水晶婆婆帮忙。Goku and his friends don't have a clue, until Master Roshi sends them on a quest to find the mysterious Fortuneteller Baba.

徐年少时,一个算命的卜了一卦说她与父亲的命相冲,此后徐便只得远离父母居住。Xu spent her childhood years living away from her parents after "a fortuneteller said my horoscope showed I was not compatible with my father".

导演生动的剪辑节奏和亲密的镜头,记录了今日中国生活的压迫性进程如何使一些现代城市人向一位传统的算命先生寻求帮助。Xu Tong's lively editing pace and intimate lens show how the pressure of progress pushes modern city folks to seek help from a traditional fortuneteller.