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买衣服时,他都尽量不赶时髦。He tries to avoid trendiness when he buys new clothes.

通过配饰,鞋子,手提包的搭配来增添色彩的冲击,让你看起来更时尚。Add punchy color and trendiness with accessories, shoes and handbags.

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她来到城市寻找有教养,有风格有个性的理想男人。She combed the city for the perfect specimen of breeding, style and trendiness.

这还没有阻止与日俱增的时髦的处于始创办时期“绿色”网站从中获得利益。That hasn't stopped startups from capitalizing on the growing trendiness of anything "green."

在竞争激烈的市场上,福特的竞争对手们似乎生产出更华丽更能引领潮流的新款汽车。And some of Ford's rivals have seemed to have more panache and trendiness in a crowded market.

厌倦了时髦和物质主义的美国人开始重新挖掘家庭生活的乐趣,人的基本价值和持久的东西。Tired' of trendiness and materialism, Americans are rediscovering the joys of home life, basic values and things that last.

检测一个汉语流行语新潮程度的方法之一是看有没有使用者把它翻译成外语。A test of a Chinese jargon word?s trendiness is if users translate it into a foreign language, according to its pronunciation.

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“但情况也会是这样,”他继续说道,“仅仅是把某种事物称作潮流,或是指出其带有的潮流特质,也有可能削弱其吸引力,或加速其灭亡。”"But it is also the case, " he says, "that merely calling something a trend or noting its trendiness may also decrease its allure or hasten its decline."

TFZ不仅仅制造高端视听产品,也是一种代表个性胆识、精致有型的独特生活方式。TFZ not only manufactures high-end audio-video products, it is also a unique lifestyle which represents personalized courage, insight and exquisite trendiness.

启奥公司一直保持超一流的专业水平,追求时尚与传统的融合,努力为客户创造最大价值。Over the years, Coil has maintained a high level of professional standards, pursued to integrate traditionalism and trendiness , and strived to create the maximum value for customers.

这种时髦的审美观挖掘剌激着人们对未来的热情,消费品营业额快速冲顶,物质主义向前迈了一大步。The trendiness of the aesthetic both stimulated and exploited our enthusiasm for the future, culminating into a quick turnover for consumer products and a greater movement toward materialism.

女同趋势有三个主要诱因——一个很显然的原因是人们看到获奖影星在舞台上做出一些轰动的事而盲目模仿。There are three main drivers of the girl-girl trend — four actually, once you get past the copycat trendiness that is inevitable when stars on awards shows do something sensational on camera.

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在信息万变的时代,时尚总有它的不同存在方式,莎恩纳以其特有的潮流触角,充满想象力的设计风格,成为为顾客呈现的最好的礼物。In the society where trend is fast changing, fashion always exists by different ways. SHAENNA is the best present that DAHONGYING devoted to customers because of its trendiness and imagination.