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各样的恶事要禁戒不做。Abstain from every form of evil.

烈性酒我喝不惯。I abstain from drinking alcohol.

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各样的恶事要禁戒不作。Abstain from all appearance of evil.

你喝酒抽烟吗,还是烟酒不沾?Do you drink alcohol, smoke, or abstain?

相反,中国选择投了弃权票。China instead chose to abstain from the vote.

茹素是比较严重的反常行为。To abstain from meat was a serious deviation.

而在仰光,很多选民会选择弃权。In Rangoon, however, most voters will abstain.

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年老时血气衰弱,要警戒,不可贪得无厌。In old age, he should abstain from acquisitiveness.

他经常辅导这些结了婚的夫妻要避免性的关系。He frequently counseled married couples to abstain from sex.

不能弃权,绝对不能弃权Not allowed to abstain in this class, it's a complete no-no.

领导者要求他们的代表投票时弃权。The leaders asked their representatives to abstain from voting.

他们绝不参加在花园里栽树这样的事务。They did abstain from such things as planting trees in their gardens.

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他让自己住进勒戒中心好让自己能够戒掉酒瘾。He admitted himself into a rehab center in order to abstain from alcohol.

僧侣戒杀生,所以僧人是素食主义者。Monks must abstain from killing living things. Therefore, monks are vegan.

RCOG建议,怀孕的女性应该立刻戒酒。The RCOG advises if a woman gets pregnant, she should abstain from alcohol.

居住的地方改变,谢绝喝酒和女色。The place of living should change, and one should abstain from wine and sex.

如果想要摆脱痛苦,那就必须戒除恶业。If one wishes to be free from suffering, one must abstain from negative deeds.

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我倒还有常识,一句辩白的话也不说,站在那里听她辱骂。I had the common-sense to abstain from any word of excuse. I stood to be scorned.

复活节周一,我们不再需要戒酒了,于是就开了一瓶新酒。On Easter Monday, as we need no longer abstain from wine, we opened a new bottle.

要避免一切邪恶的表样,这是被圣灵激动的使徒的劝告。Abstain from even the appearance of evil, is the exhortation of the inspired apostle.