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这些条款应归入到什么项目上?How can subsume these items?

把军事部门归总于一个部门并授予权限。Subsume all of the military under one, with authority.

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为了处理方面这,包含关系具有重要性最好时期。In order to handle this aspect, subsume relationships are of prime importance.

头等女友。你经常为他愿意牺牲自己的爱好。You are always willing and eager to subsume your interests and desires to his.

更重要的是,丹尼斯想要不自负的人。More than anything, Dennis was interested in choosing people who could subsume their egos.

邦国负责收税也包纳交集很多郡县一级的治理职责。States collect taxes and subsume many of the responsibilities of governing from the county.

谢谢您莅临本站!请提供您的宝贵意见,本公司将会纳入参考。Welcome to our web site! Please contact us if you have any comment, wea will subsume reference.

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在机遇型产业导向选择中,本文将商贸、旅游业纳入待选支柱产业群。In the opportunity choosing mode, we subsume the business and tourism as the group for choosing.

从分散的投资组合的观点,个别投资工具组合成为总合的绩效。From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into.

在定量的意义下使模糊命题演算完全包容经典命题逻辑是不可能的。It is impossible for a quantitative fuzzy propositional logic to subsume classical propositional logic.

这将使本院学众之佛法修学,纳入正规大学教育管道。In this way, students enrolled in our college shall ultimately subsume into the path of a normal university.

是的,是的,你懂的,我们关注你,但你必须让个人利益服从集体利益。You know, yes, yes, you know, we care about you, but you have to subsume your interest, your personal interest.

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让我们来看两个例子,两者都难以被轻描淡写地归为“外部性”。Let us consider two examples, both of which would be difficult to subsume under the gentle rubric of "externalities."

站在一个多元化的投资组合,个别部分文书归入到整体性能。From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into the overall performance.

边界框是一个完全包含指定轮廓的矩形,所要的是最小的边界框。The interesting case is the smallest bounding box possible, and in the following we subsume this under the term "bounding box".

因此,他也只能约略地将阿尔比归类为「志同道合者」那一章,并说明他的研究尚未完整。In this way, he can't but roughly subsume Albee's works in the chapter of "Parallels and Proselytes, " saying that his survey is not complete.

如果以后的需求超出了这些组件提供的功能,那么可以创建包含这些组件的功能的专用组件。If your later needs exceed the abilities that these components expose, then you can create specialized components that subsume the functionality in these.

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但澳门人——这群因和葡萄牙殖民者通婚而诞生的居民,他们独特的文化正面临着被大陆移民融合的威胁。But the Macanese — as this former Portuguese colony's mixed-race residents are called — are threatened by a demographic tide that could subsume their culture.

他在科学生涯的后一半时间试图给这个理论找漏洞,并想将其纳入到一个统一的能让物理重新恢复必然性和决定论。He spent the second half of his career trying to poke holes in the theory and to subsume it in a unified theory that would restore certainty and determinism to physics.

应用系统可能包含协调者的角色,在某种程度上它变得越来越不清晰,为什么协议的必要性要远大于业务逻辑本身?the application may subsume the role of the coordinator at which point it becomes less and less clear why the protocol is needed at all above and beyond the business logic itself.