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他想做一个讲道德的,正直的人。He wants to be a moralistic and upright person.

谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.

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缪西娅对这些事情总是有些道学气,”他说。Miuccia is always moralistic about these things,' he said.

「这支注重道德的军队把我们的锅子拿来当马桶用,」巴希尔说。"The moralistic army used our cooking pots as lavatories, " Mr Bashir said.

道德主义的卫生政策——诸如惩罚吸毒者——可能具有良好的意图。Moralistic health policies such as penalising drug users may be well intentioned.

在现代卫生学的世界,纯净已经成了一个纯粹隐喻的或道德的措词。In the world of modern hygiene, purity has become a purely metaphoric or moralistic term.

他们站在传统的道德立场上支持针对所谓的“无生产力”货币的反高利贷法。Usury laws were upheld on traditional moralistic grounds of alleged "sterility" of money.

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在当今领导人的说教腔调中,我们感到了上一代人的伪善。In the moralistic accents of today's leaders we hear echoes of a previous generation's hypocrisy.

显然,中国的这种歧视缺乏基督教在反对美国同性恋运动中显现出的仁义。Yet China's discrimination lacks the moralistic bite that Christianity adds to antigay movements in the United States.

中国的歧视是不带有宗教成分的,比如美国基督教就反对同性恋。Yet China’s discrimination lacks the moralistic bite that Christianity adds to antigay movements in the United States.

简历欺诈,在道义令我最郁闷的是,说谎者往往把不正当得来的工作做得出色。What troubles my moralistic soul most about résumé fraud is that the perpetrators often do the jobs they misappropriate rather well.

席勒继承康德的以意志自由为核心的人类学本体论哲学思想建构了自己的道德主义悲剧观。Schiller inherited Kant's philosophical thought of anthropologic ontology that took free will as the core and established his moralistic view of tragedy.

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对于“伪善”,拜伦和他同时代的人所指的正是虚伪而陈腐的说教,或是像威尔森所写的,“不过是宗教的一种幌子,借以对社会操控行径加以美化”。By" cant" he and his contemporaries meant hypocritical moralistic platitudes, or, as Mr Wilson puts it, " the pretext of religion to justify social control".

仅仅希望让人类远离性生活,无助于那些艾滋病的受害者。就算是从最道德的定义上来看,这些为病魔所困的人们大都是清白之躯。Merely wishing away human sexual behaviour does nothing for the potential victims of AIDS, many of whom are innocent under even the most moralistic definition of that word.

同样地,我们得到了去咖啡因的咖啡,无醇的啤酒,无脂的冰激凌,那些当权者会试图让示威变成一种无害的道义姿态。In the same way we get coffee without caffeine, beer without alcohol, ice-cream without fat, those in power will try to make the protests into a harmless moralistic gesture.

这种将疾病与罪恶等同的说教方法会适得其反,弗朗西斯说,强调了干预需要关注个体可能应对疾病的成本如何。Such moralistic approaches, equating disease with sin, arecounterproductive, Francis says, stressing that interventions need to focus onhow individuals may respond to the cost of disease.