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奥尔德林转向阿姆斯特朗。Aldrin turned to Armstrong.

路易斯·阿姆斯特朗是哪里人Where was Louis Armstrong from?

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阿姆斯特朗,你让我情何以堪。Armstrong , you made me embrassed.

艾德温.H。阿姆斯特朗发明调频无线电。FM radio invented by Edwin H. Armstrong.

他演奏的是什么乐器呢What instrument did Louis Armstrong play?

但是阿姆斯特朗却完全否认此种说法。But Armstrong dismissed the idea outright.

阿姆斯特朗小心地离开了“飞鹰”号。Armstrong moved carefully away from the Eagle.

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“个人一小步”,尼尔.阿姆斯特朗说道。"One small step for man, " Neil Armstrong said.

阿尔德林和阿姆斯特朗的月球首餐包括火鸡Aldrin and Armstrong First Lunar Meal was Turkey

下面是路易斯·阿姆斯特朗亲自演奏We're going to hear Louis Armstrong himself play.

啊姆斯特朗合作有限公司的35间公司。Of the 35 companies Armstrong & Associates tracks.

路易斯·阿姆斯特演奏的乐句有多长呢How long was the phrase that Louis Armstrong played?

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阿姆斯特朗是在芝加哥成的名。Armstrong was given only a fifty -fifty chance of survival.

阿姆斯特朗四下里打量着同学们,露出傻笑的侧影。Armstrong looked round at his classmates, silly glee in profile.

尤利。加加林是第一个飞上太空的人。Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon on July 20th, 1969.

艾德温?阿姆斯特朗开发接收机电路—超外差式收音机。Edwin armstrong develops a receiving circuit-the superheterodyne.

“您太太都好吗?”阿姆斯特朗问。Ist mit Ihrer Frau alles in Ordnung?" erkundigte sich Armstrong."

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路易斯·阿姆斯特朗把爵士乐简明扼要地定义为“我一门糊口的手艺”。Louis Armstrong defined jazz pithily as "what I play for a living".

但是,阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林要求取消四小时的睡眠时间。But Armstrong and Aldrin asked to cancel the four-hour sleep period.

至于阿姆斯特朗与奥尔德林,这两位宇航员的确曾谈起过这次登月行动。As for Armstrong and Aldrin, they both have spoken about the mission.