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我的看护人一站上这里就开始生气。When my caretakers step here they become irate.

一个人将邻居的脏乱的房子跟目的相比而激怒了当地人。One irate local compares a room in his neighbor’s dirt house to a grave.

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阿图巴得到红牌后,在离场时向愤怒的汉堡球迷竖起了手指。Red-carded Timothee Atouba giving irate Hamburg fans the finger on his way out.

不,我是一个怪物,你知道,我可以把你变成火把,叉在干草叉上。Then you don't get hunted down by irate townspeople with pitchforks and torches.

新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂愤怒地指责共和党占主导地位的众议院。An irate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is denouncing the GOP-dominated House.

德萨扎太太的女房东怒火冲天,她告诉佐伊说,德萨扎太太的租金已拖欠好多日子了。Mrs. D'Souza's irate landlady informed ZOE that Mrs. D'Souza's rent was well overdue.

我们很气忿,要求银行做个对社会负责任的企业。Because by getting irate we are directly asking it to be a socially responsible citizen.

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是怒火中烧的读者在敲键盘、写邮件投诉这个专栏话题吗?Is it the sound of apoplectic readers typing irate e-mails about the subject of this column?

当我开车时我变得暴躁,我想“要是有人撞到我怎么办”?I become irate when I am tailgated while driving, because what if that person were to hit me?

所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?”So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?

所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?”So when one irate customer stomp3ed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?"

一位怒不可遏的顾客打电话给我们报社办公室大声要求知道自己的周日版上哪里去了。The irate customer calling our newspaper offices loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was.

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一位愤怒的苏格兰人写信给报社编辑,要他停止刊登那些有关小气苏格兰人的故事。An irate Scotchman wrote to a newspaper editor, asking him to stop printing stories about stingy Scots.

这一措施导致无数中国用户愤怒,转而使用提供免费软件的国内企业,比如金山。But that just caused thousands of irate users to migrate to free software from domestic companies like Kingsoft.

这番劝告起了缓解的作用,那气冲冲的年轻人瞪大眼睛打量了马丁一会儿。This information seemed to have a mollifying effect, and the irate young man favored Martin with a measuring stare.

如果你的儿女看到的都是你生气的面孔听到的都是你发怒时的声音,他们很可能长大后也是如此。If all your daughter or son ever sees is your irate face and hears your irate voice, they’ll very likely grow into as well.

不出所料,职业运动员们对此感到气愤,因为这暗讽类似的下流用于在运动员的更衣室很常见。Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms.

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当一个假人被发现吊在风标上时,愤怒的本森和当地警员集思广益,解开了谜团。When a dummy was found suspended from a weathercock, an irate Benson and the local constable put their heads together and solved the mystery.

媒体暗示是一位当地的官员沿河散步时被一只狗袭击后非常气愤,但是这位官员拒绝出面证实。Media reports suggested one town official became irate after a dog bit him as he strolled along a river.But the official refused to confirm that.

媒体暗示是一位当地的官员沿河散步时被一只狗袭击后非常气愤,但是这位官员拒绝出面证实。Media reports suggested one town official became irate after a dog bit him as he strolled along a river. But the official refused to confirm that.