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然后,通过痛苦和欢愉Then, by the pain and rapture

那是神圣的狂喜,神福佑的游戏!Rapture divine! Play of God's Bliss!

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我将静待黎明时分的狂喜Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning

能够迸涌出这样神圣的极乐音流。That panted forth a flood of rapture so divine.

来到户外,他们如醉如痴的狂喜迸发成语言。In the open air their rapture broke into speech.

我只想唱歌,只想狂舞。I wanna sing with deliria and dance with rapture.

那是充满了真挚的快乐和狂欢的一夜。That had been a night of unmixed joy and rapture.

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啊,那种快乐,那次无与伦比、销魂夺魄的享受!Ah, the joy, the incomparable rapture of that time!

我第一次真正的纪录是一种“狂喜的金发女郎”45。My first real record was a 45 of "Rapture" by Blondie.

当然了,我们当且仅当末日审判发生时才需要做这些。This will happen only if and when the Rapture happens.

孩子骑在旋转木马上,兴奋地大喊大叫。Astride the merry-go-round, the baby yelled with rapture.

但这令他们抽风着迷的挪移,他们靠的是什么?But to what did they owe the convulsion and rapture of their transport?

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他从那穹苍的起泡的杯中,痛饮充满生命的狂喜。He quaffed the swelling rapture of life from the foaming goblet of the infinite.

方法对14例心脏破裂伤患者进行回顾性分析。Methods A retrospective review was carried out on 14 cases with cardiac rapture.

接著,所有活著的信徒会被提到半空之中,与主相遇。Then there will be instant rapture for those believers alive, when Christ comes.

资本唱着歌德的诗句,以洋洋得意的快乐表达了它的欣喜。Citing Goethe's lines, capital expresses its rapture with complacence and delight.

“是,是,不同,恩…”因维德人带着点兴奋的嗓音说道。"Yes, yes, different, ummm, " the Invid was saying in a voice tinged-with rapture.

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蟾蜍的愁苦一下子变成了狂喜,他急急忙忙爬进驾驶室。The Toad’s misery turned into rapture as he eagerly scrambled up into the cab of the engine.

于是,托德三步并作两步地爬上司机室,他的满腔哀愁一下子变成狂喜。The Toad 's misery turned into rapture as he eagerly scrambled up into the cab of the engine.

哪怕明天就能升天成仙,料想她也不会欣喜若狂。If she could be translated to Heaven tomorrow, she might be expected to ascend without any rapture.