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我们是一个充满希望的民族。We are a people of improbable hope.

听起来有点不可思议,但这是真的。As improbable as this sounds, it really works.

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虽是一叶轻舟,它至少还浮在水面上。An improbable sort of barque, but at least it floats.

在那里,萍水相逢的朋友结成了生死与共的兄弟。There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers.

那么一个不可能的1-0日本成功击败喀麦隆星期一。Then Japan managed an improbable 1-0 win over Cameroon on Monday.

还有一个更好的办法就是他可以谈一谈他是怎样一步步走到列克星顿的。Better yet, he simply can tell the story about his improbable path to Lexington.

人民武装起义反对统治阶级,这并非不会发生。It is not improbable that the people will rise in arms against the ruling class.

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从小说家的视角来看,这次事件是“不可思议的大事”,几乎不可能是真的。From a novelist's perspective it is a "miraculous event", too improbable to be true.

他没能活着看到他自己的那一次难以置信的西行旅程所结出的非凡果实。He had not lived to see the remarkable fruit of his own improbable journey westward.

一个方法来对付这些情绪是轻视大流行的警告,因为不可能。One way to cope with those emotions is to belittle warnings of a pandemic as improbable.

这一刻是勇往直前的人击败了华盛顿总是说战无不胜的人的时刻。This was the moment when the improbable beat what Washington always said was inevitable.

这意味着它们能将那些意想不到的物品带到空中,例如悬挂雷达设备。This means they can lift improbable objects into the sky, such as dangling radar equipment.

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片中的一个全景包括孤零零困在高速公路上的船只这等不可思议的场景。A panoramic scene in the movie includes the improbable sight of ships marooned on a highway.

——一位匈牙利—以色列血统美国人奇迹般地在背后推动着中国的产业繁荣An improbable Hungarian-Israeli American is an unsung force in the country's industrial boom

就像它拒斥现存秩序的永久性一样,它必定也排拒没有可能性的秩序选项。It must reject improbable alternatives just as it rejects the permanency of the existing order.

在B1和B2错误的增量,没有增量的B3错误,统计学上是不可能的。An increment in B1 and B2 errors, without an increment in B3 errors is statistically improbable.

如果波普尔是正确的,那么,科学理论不仅是同样不可证明的,而且是同样不可证伪的。If Popper is right, scientific theories are not only equally unprovable but also equally improbable.

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从黑天鹅的角度讲,这意味着只有你让小概率事件控制自己的时候,你才会受到它的影响。In Black Swan terms, this means that you are exposed to the improbable only if you let it control you.

我国各驻外使馆所发回的报告都一致认为战争不可能发生。The reporting from our various diplomatic posts converged on the proposition that the war was improbable.

他们是少有的那种惺惺相吸的伙伴。一个是巧舌如簧的英国律师,一个是不谙言辞的德州共和党人。THEY have been improbable soul-mates, the silver-tongued British barrister and the drawling Republican from Texas.