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给一些球茎。Here's some corm.

科林像个男子汉似的在作战。Corm is fighting like a man.

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给一些草。给一些球茎。Here's some grass. Here's some corm.

球茎中的淀粉由单粒和复合两种淀粉粒组成。Both simple and compound starch grains were discovered in the corm.

在收缩根的帮助下球茎可以在土壤中保持一定的位置。The corm ' s position in the soil is often maintained with the aid of contractile roots.

种子繁殖苗的高度动态方程与球茎繁殖苗的高度动态方程也不一样。The dynamics of length of S. pygmaea seed shoots and corm shoots can be described with equation.

对在各条件下诱导青天葵组培球茎的效果进行观测和比较。Several results were gotten through by inducing the amphitropou stem into corm and cultivating the corm.

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以甜魔芋球茎为外植体,进行愈伤组织诱导、芽分化及植株再生研究。The corm of Amorphophallus sp. was used as explants for callus induction, bud differentiation and plant regeneration.

变温处理加速球茎休眠的解除,但品种间有较大差异。Alternating temperatures accelerated corm dormancy releasing, but there was obvious difference between the two cultivars.

而不同栽培季节间的同化物质之累积及球茎产量之不同,受叶片生长差异影响甚于净同化速率。The variation in leaf growth appeared to be more important for assimilates storage and corm yield than net assimilation rate.

脱毒种源在母芋膨大初期光合产物分配到球茎的比例大于对照。The plants of virus-eliminated sources distributed more photosynthates to the corms at the early stage of corm expansion as compared to the control.

兰科植物菌根真菌可在兰科植物的种子、原球茎和营养根内共尘,能够为兰科植物提供其所需的营养,促进兰科植物的生长发育。Orchid mycorrhizal fungi, which offer nutrition for orchids and promote its growth, can form symbionts with orchidaceous seed, corm and nutritional root.

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以玉米淀粉渣发酵而成的“玉米酵麸”替代麦麸、玉米等进行肉猪饲喂试验。The article is based on the test for feeding swine with"corn fermented bran"instead of wheat bram and corn, and the fermented material is corm starch residue.

试验还得到唐菖蒲“超级玫瑰”球茎诱导愈伤组织的最佳培养基和愈伤组织生长的最适培养基。The effects of electron beam and fast neutrons on the callus induction of corm of gladiolus"Rose Supreme"were investigated by using the orthogonal experiment design.

东北天南星各数量性状间存在一定的相关性,其中,球茎重量与株高、茎粗等表现为显著相关。Other, correlativity exists between each quantity characters of A risaema ainurense Maxim. Correlativity between corm weight and plant length, stem stoutness are distinct.

魔芋是单子叶多年生草本植物,其球茎中富含的葡萄甘露聚糖在食品、医药、化工和农业中具有广泛的应用。Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine, chemistry and agriculture industry.

收缩根的作用是把形成的鳞茎或球茎定位于土壤的某一特定深度,例如番红花属的植物。Contractile root A specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil, e. g. Crocus.

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收缩根的作用是把形成的鳞茎或球茎定位于土壤的某一特定深度,例如番红花属的植物。Contractile root A specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil, e. g. Crocus.