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查理·申又回来了!Charlie Sheen is at it again!

柔和的棕黄色带微妙的绿色光泽。Soft tan with a subtle green sheen.

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过于闪亮显得太一本正经了。There is a humourlessness to too much sheen.

迷雾中的我,一直梦寐这亮晃晃的微温。The lost me always dream of this tepid sheen.

查理和米勒到时都必须出席。Both Sheen and Mueller are required to attend.

而且硬木的档次与奥迪汽车的内饰十分相配。The woods match the sheen of an Audi interior.

哦,我已经评论过了马丁·辛。And of course, Martin Sheen I've already commented on.

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特迪·瑞利给了歌曲新鲜而忠实的光泽。Teddy Riley gives the song a fresh but faithful sheen.

是什么原因导致这种金属光泽的一个结构性的水平?What causes this metallic sheen on a structural level?

成鸟蜡膜及嘴壳基部较为枯燥,无光泽。As birds wax film and mouth is boring, shell base sheen.

我的凉鞋蒙上了丁香的灰尘。The sheen of my sandals is dulled by the dust of cloves.

可随时间做出文字的色泽与亮度变化。The ability to animate sheen and lights on text over time.

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这是速度的竞赛,大匹的马力,巨型胎环,金属的光泽。Its got everything, driving power, big fat tyres and metallic sheen.

舞台灯光让大拱门的表面在夜间发出异样的光芒。Theatrical lights give the surface of the Gateway Arch a night sheen.

下午的时候,太阳从山后显现出来洒下一片冷冷的光辉。In the afternoon, the sun emerged to cast an icy sheen over the hills.

擦得铮亮的表面闪烁着金色的辉光。The highly polished surface gleamed and glistened with a golden sheen.

洁面后,肌肤保持滑润,清爽,富有光泽。After cleaning face, skin keep the lubrication, relaxed, full of sheen.

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钱德尔勒尔群岛水中可见的油污和油光。Oil blobs and oil sheen are seen in the waters of Chandeleur Sound, La.

在中端,有一个男,女主唱轻微的光泽。In the midrange, there is a slight sheen on both male and female vocals.

突然让她写些电视真人秀或模特或查理·希恩。Let her try to suddenly write about reality TV or models or Charlie Sheen.