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斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

她在这两个杯子里各放了一匙牛奶。She put a spoonful of milk in each of the two cup.

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他正在楼上一勺一勺地往下浇水。He is upstairs and down spoonful spoonful of water.

瓶子上的服法指示每四小时服用一匙。It says on the bottle to take a spoonful every four hours.

勺起四分之一茶匙的馅料放在皮的中央。Place a quarter-size spoonful of filling in the center of the skin.

他伸手到罐头里舀出一小调羹白粉。He dug into the can and measured out a small spoonful of the powder.

所以你在也不用在吃完苦药之后,马上吃糖了。So you may not need that spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down.

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试着喝一勺琉璃蜂蜜,罗马人称之为“开心蜂蜜”。Try a spoonful of borage honey – or 'happy honey’ as the Romans called it.

一个女银行清洁工被开除了,因为她“偷”了一匙咖啡和糖。A woman bank cleaner was fired for "stealing" a spoonful of coffee and sugar.

可以叫他们先尝试一小口看,如果喜欢的话,他们就会多吃点。Ask them to try just a tiny spoonful and if they like it, they can have more.

莎士比亚夫人建议她服用一片鸦片酊治她的头疼。Mrs. Shakespeare advised her to take a spoonful of laudanum for the headache.

一有不适感时,就来一匙这种缓解混合物吧。At the first sign of any discomfort, take a spoonful of this soothing mixture.

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先把药瓶摇晃几下。每日三次,每次两勺。First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.

如果你把一勺盐放在一杯水里,水变得很咸。If you put a spoonful of salt in a cup of water, that water becomes very salty.

老人从自己的衣袋里掏出一瓶药,然后给潘西喂了一小勺。The old man drew a bottle of medicine from his pocket and gave Pansy a spoonful.

我一看情况不妙,赶紧把一勺白米饭塞进她喷火的嘴里。Seeing her suffering, I immediately brought a spoonful of rice to her burning mouth.

虽然我们看不到汤里的盐,但是,在尝第一口时,就能感到它的美味。We can not see the salt in our soup, but with the first spoonful we know it is there.

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沙威抓了一只猫,使劲张开它的嘴,把一勺芥末挤进猫嘴里。Javert catches the cat, plies open her jaws , and shoves a spoonful of mustard inside.

如果把一匙污水倒进一桶酒,得到的还是一桶污水。Pour spoonful foul water into a pail of wine, those who get still is a pail of sewage.

所以你在也不用在吃完苦药之后,马上吃糖了。So you may not need that spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Or the broccoli.