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为此他决定和他的封建主义家庭决裂。For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family.

封建一夫一妻制在农民家庭得到实现。The feudalistic monogamy is realized in the farmer's family.

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封建式的割据局面在中国大地上也一去不复返了。身材不好。The feudalistic segmentation of the country has gone forever on this land of China.

新手依惯例将在15岁时进入如封建世界般等级森严的相扑场。A novice will typically enter the almost feudalistic world of the sumo stable at age 15.

叫魂怎么能治孩子的病!?这根本就是封建迷信。How can one cure the sick by calling back his spirit? It's sheer feudalistic superstition.

清代公文制度体现了封建社会公文制度的最后辉煌。It embodied the last brilliancy of the official document system in the feudalistic society.

明清时代是我国古代君主专制主义中央集权高度发展和空前强化的时期。The Ming and Qing dynasty are the very period of high feudalistic controlment and coercion.

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丝绸是封建朝廷的受宠贡品,更是风靡西方的奢侈品。Silk is favorable tribute in feudalistic dynasty, as well as luxury goods in west countries.

盐商对于古代中国社会经济的作用很大。The function of the salt merchants is magnitude for ancient feudalistic society economy of china.

辛亥革命之前,很多封建思想在人们的思想中根深蒂固。Some feudalistic thoughts become rooted in some Chinese consciousness before e revolution of 1911.

科学是破除封建迷信、铲除邪教滋生蔓延的锐利武器。Science is a kind of sharp weapon to destroy feudalistic superstition and eradicate evil religions.

这却引起了反作用,它激发了我和封建思想斗争的决心。This, however, produced in me a reverse reaction--determined me to fight against such feudalistic ideology.

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封建迷信泛滥给农村的经济、政治、社会和文化造成严重的危害。Feudalistic superstition causes serious danger to economy, politics, society and culture of the countryside.

中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。It marked China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocracy to people's democracy.

资本主义把封建社会那种人吃人的关系保留下来而且大大加强了它。Capitalism has carried over and greatly intensified this feudalistic dog-eat-dogelement in social relationship.

以马克思论封建的逻辑推断,周秦以下中国社会形态不宜被称作“封建社会”。By Marx's logical, the Chinese social formation from Zhou and Qin Dynasties should not be looked as feudalistic society.

中国封建时代的画院是一种的宫廷绘画艺术机构。The royal painting institute of China during her feudalistic ages was a formal painting organization for the royal court.

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究其原因,这一切变化都与中国封建农业生产的社会性质密不可分。The reason was that Ancient China was a feudalistic society and natural economy with the agriculture predominated everything.

中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。It marks China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people's democratic politics.

这种嬗变与转型主要是封建地主阶级哲学向资产阶级哲学——“新学”的转型。This kind of transition is primarily from the feudalistic landlord rank philosophy to the " new learning" of the propertied class.